Crime Prevention

Getting the Most Out of Crime Analysis

Across the nation, an increasing number of police agencies and sheriff’s offices are recognizing the value of crime analysis and hiring or appointing analysts within their agencies. This is an excellent trend. Unfortunately, little literature and training exists to help administrators and executives with best practices in the management and use of crime analysis. In some agencies, crime analysts are hired and then set adrift, forced to define their own roles and integrate their own products within the operational divisions of the agency.

On Thursday, March 5, 2015, from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EST, join the webinar, Top Ten Federal Grant Opportunities Your Agency and Partners Should Consider. The webinar is designed to help your agency identify funding opportunities that are currently available. The discussion will primarily be focused on grants available through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). Tara Kunkel, a Visiting Fellow at BJA, will be the presenter.

Top Ten Federal Grant Opportunities Your Agency and Partners Should Consider (Mar 2015)

There are millions of dollars in federal grants available to address common challenges facing law enforcement agencies and their criminal justice and human services partners. This webinar is designed to help your agency identify funding opportunities that are currently available. The discussion will primarily be focused on grants available through the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Join this webinar to ensure that you do not miss out on important opportunities for your community.

Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program - FY 2015 Funding Overview

Please join the Bureau of Justice Assistance for a webinar about the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program (BCJI). BCJI supports data-driven, research-informed and community-oriented strategies to address targeted crime issues in neighborhoods. Applications are due April 20 for FY 2015 grants in two categories. The webinar will cover background on the core elements of BCJI and an overview of the FY 2015 funding opportunity.

JMHCP FY15 Solicitation Webinar On Specialized Law Enforcement Priority

This webinar, hosted by the CSG Justice Center, is for law enforcement agencies that plan to respond apply for the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice’s (BJA) Justice and Mental Health Collaboration (JMHCP) grant program. The purpose of the grant program is to improve collaborative law enforcement-mental health programs for people with mental disorders. JMHCP grants support innovative cross-system collaboration for individuals with mental disorders or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders who come into contact with the justice system.

Please join the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) webinar, NCJA’s Outstanding Criminal Justice Program Awards: Tips and Tricks for Success, on Wednesday, March 4 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST. During this webinar NCJA Executive Director, Cabell Cropper, will discuss the elements that go into submitting a successful Outstanding Criminal Justice Program Award application package. He will outline what the evaluators look for in a winning program and what information can and should be included in your nomination materials.

NCJA Webinar - NCJA's Outstanding Criminal Justice Program Awards: Tips and Tricks for Success

Please join the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) webinar, NCJA’s Outstanding Criminal Justice Program Awards: Tips and Tricks for Success, on Wednesday, March 4 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST. During this webinar, NCJA Executive Director, Cabell Cropper, will discuss the elements that go into a submitting a successful Outstanding Criminal Justice Program Award application package. He will outline what the evaluators look for in a winning program and what information can and should be included for your nomination materials.

Please join the National Institute of Corrections live broadcast, , on Wednesday, February 18 from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST. The live broadcast will focus on the unique opportunities and challenges of including victims in the reentry process and will explore current points in the criminal justice reentry continuum where victims can have a voice.

Problem Solving Courts in Arizona: A Template for Changing Behaviors

Problem Solving Courts have been in existence in Arizona for over 20 years. Beginning with Drug Courts and evolving to a myriad of other treatment focused courts for different populations, such as Mental Health -, Veterans, DUI -and the Homeless. This webinar will give a brief history of Arizona’s Problem Solving courts as well as identify the key players - and keys to success.
