
FC110 Financial Crimes Against Seniors (Jul 2019, Missouri)

This course promotes a multiagency approach to the problem of financial exploitation of senior citizens. Bringing together law enforcement personnel and adult protective services investigators, the course enhances students' investigative skills and interviewing techniques while facilitating networking and cooperation that can extend out of the classroom and into real cases. Topics include recognizing elder abuse, working with victims, and identifying perpetrators, as well as resources for investigation and community awareness. Students work together to conduct a mock investigation into a hypothetical case. 

FC201 Financial Records Investigative Skills (Jul 2019, Massachusetts)

This course builds on the concepts introduced in "Financial Crime (FC) 101 - Financial Investigations Practical Skills" and "FC 105 - Financial Records Examination and Analysis," introducing investigators and prosecutors to emerging issues in financial crime. Topics include money laundering, analyzing large financial data sets, conducting effective interviews, and managing large amounts of financial evidence. This course consists of a mix of lecture, discussion, and hands-on exercises. Students conduct a mock investigation that includes interviews, data analysis, and the construction of an electronic case file.

DF320 Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis: macOS (Jul 2019, Georgia)

This course teaches students to identify and collect volatile data, acquire forensically sound images of Apple Macintosh computers, and perform forensic analysis of macOS operating system and application artifacts. Students gain hands-on experience scripting and using automated tools to conduct a simulated live triage, and use multiple methods to acquire forensically sound images of Apple Macintosh computers. Topics include how the macOS default file system stores data, what happens when files are sent to the macOS Trash, where operating system and application artifacts are stored, and how they can be analyzed. Forensic artifacts covered include password recovery, recently opened files and applications, encryption handling, Mail, Safari, Messages, FaceTime, Photos, Chrome, and Firefox.

CI240 Intermediate Cyber Investigations: Virtual Currency (Jul 2019, Maryland)

This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills they need to investigate crimes involving virtual currency. Instructors explain foundational concepts like the characteristics of money, virtual currency, and cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology, proof work, and proof of stake are covered, and students learn how industry-leading cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero) work and how they differ from each other. Finally, students learn investigative techniques for tracking and documenting transactions and best practices for seizing and securing cryptocurrency.

DF201 Intermediate Digital Forensic Analysis: Automated Forensic Tools (Jul 2019, New York)

This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to perform a limited digital forensic examination, validate hardware and software tools, and effectively use digital forensic suites and specialized tools. The course begins with a detailed review of the digital forensic examination process, including documentation, case management, evidence handling, validation, and virtualization. Students learn to use today's leading commercial and open source digital forensic suites: Magnet Axiom, X-ways Forensic, and Autopsy. Instruction on each suite will include an interface overview, configuration, hashing, file signature analysis, keyword searching, data carving, bookmarking, and report creation. 

CI102 Basic Cyber Investigations: Dark Web & Open Source Intelligence (Jul 2019, Indiana)

This course provides expert guidance in the skills law enforcement officers need to conduct successful online investigations. Topics include IP addresses and domains, an overview of currently popular social media platforms, best practices for building an undercover profile, foundational knowledge related to the dark web, and the use of the dark web as an investigative tool. Instructors demonstrate both open source and commercially available investigative tools for social engineering, information gathering, and artifacts related to social media, as well as automated utilities to capture information and crawl websites. 

DF102 Basic Digital Forensic Analysis: Previewing (Jul 2019, Illinois)

This course provides the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to preview the most commonly encountered forms of digital evidence. The course covers Windows-based and macOS-based computers, mobile devices, and removable storage media. In a combination of lecture, discussion, and practical exercises, instructors introduce the previewing process, legal considerations, live previewing, and dead-box previewing. Students gain hands-on experience with free and commercial third-party previewing tools that are in current use by practitioners in the field.

FC101 Financial Investigations Practical Skills (Jul 2019, Ohio)

This course provides hands-on investigative training at a basic level. Students develop the practical skills, insight, and knowledge necessary to manage a successful financial investigation from start to finish, including the acquisition and examination of financial records, interview skills, and case management and organization. Additional topics include forgery and embezzlement, financial exploitation of the elderly, working with spreadsheets, financial profiling, and state-specific statutes and legal issues.

FC110 Financial Crimes Against Seniors (Jul 2019, Minnesota)

This course promotes a multiagency approach to the problem of financial exploitation of senior citizens. Bringing together law enforcement personnel and adult protective services investigators, the course enhances students' investigative skills and interviewing techniques while facilitating networking and cooperation that can extend out of the classroom and into real cases. Topics include recognizing elder abuse, working with victims, and identifying perpetrators, as well as resources for investigation and community awareness. Students work together to conduct a mock investigation into a hypothetical case. 

FC102 Financial Investigations Triage (Jul 2019, Ohio)

This course provides an overview of the actions investigators can take at the outset of a financial crime investigation. Students learn to ask critical questions, gather documentation, and analyze information for leads. Topics include obtaining and working with financial records, red flags in financial cases, money laundering, investigative strategies for different types of financial crimes, and commingled funds.
