Law Enforcement

OJP Diagnostic Center Webinar - Social Media as a #LawEnforcement Tool: The Fundamentals

Law enforcement officials rely on building positive relationships with members of the community they serve in order to successfully fight crime. In today’s digital landscape, social media is a vital tool for law enforcement operations by offering a means to connect in real-time with citizens and stakeholders. On Tuesday, July 18 at 1:00 p.m.

Webinar - Cyber Crime Resources for the Justice Professional

IT administration and cybercrime investigations are hard work, but the right resources can make them easier by connecting you with people who have been there and done that, explaining why certain things are important, and helping you accomplish them in the best and most effective way possible. This fast-paced presentation by the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) will introduce a variety of resources from job aids and free downloads, to training and checklists and working groups you can join.

Webinar - Strategic Planning: An Action Guide

Effective evidence-based policy and practice is rooted in thoughtful strategic planning. While varied in scope and purpose, strong strategic planning follows specific key steps and includes certain key features. States and communities determine the public safety problem, assess necessary services, identify existing gaps in state and local programs, and develop and implement action plans to address the problem. Clear-eyed data analysis informs the process from planning to implementation and evaluation.

"How To Hunt" Criminals and Terrorists: The Actionable Intelligence Workshop (Sep 2017)

This one-day workshop is designed to instruct police department commanders, their police officers assigned to both patrol and investigative functions, and their analysts on how to aggressively collect and use actionable intelligence. The same intelligence techniques can also be used against both criminal and terrorist targets. The intelligence training taught in this workshop is designed to supplement the existing operational professionalism, skills, and experience within the audience.

Key Modules:

Webinar - Embedding a Crime Analyst in a Prosecutor's Office

Hosted by the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, this webinar presentation will discuss the value and support National Guard Crime Analysts provide to law enforcement agencies to implement strategic, data-driven approaches to address crime problems. The presentation will address the following:

Grant Writing and Federal Grant Procurement Training

The Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police will host a Grants 101 Training on grant writing and the federal procurement process from June 12 - 13. Attendees will learn about finding grant funding sources, identifying regional issues, creating a budget, writing a winning application, and engaging in effective grant management practices.

On Monday, June 12 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT, attendees will attend an all-day Grant Writing 101 training and earn eight Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) accredited hours.

Pharmaceutical Crime - Advanced Investigative Techniques (Jun 2017)

This course is for the detective who is assigned to a pharmaceutical crime unit or investigation. This course will address the crimes associated with pharmaceutical drug diversion, criminal methods, investigative techniques, evidence collection, and the importance of involving a prosecutor at the onset to prepare a case for successful prosecution.


Webinar - A Walk Through the Multidisciplinary Team Guide and Toolkit

Do you want to create an elder abuse case review multidisciplinary team (MDT), but you don’t know where to start? Start here!

The Elder Justice Initiative (EJI) is pleased to announce the launch of the new Multidisciplinary Team Guide and Toolkit. The toolkit is designed for anyone looking to create or grow a local elder abuse MDT, regardless of their experience with MDTs. The web-based toolkit is enhanced for use on mobile devices and contains easy-to-download PDF sample documents and citations. 

Webinar - Mass Casualty Response Resilience/Post Action Strategic Debriefing

Working in law enforcement, while incredibly rewarding, can at times also be equally stressful.

And then, there’s events like the Pulse Nightclub Shooing in Orlando, Florida.

Or Sandy Hook Elementary, in Newtown, Connecticut.

Our immediate thoughts, of course, are with the victims and their families, and how this horrifying event will forever change their lives.

But what’s not often talked about, is how such events also impact – and continue to impact – the lives of the first responders who help the victims of these tragedies.
