
To Serve, Protect, and Treat: Law Enforcement and Treatment Courts, NDCRC Webinar

Law enforcement is often the first point of contact for those with substance use disorders. In the United States, approximately 1.5 million individuals arrested each year are at risk of substance dependence. Treatment courts strive to combine effective justice approaches with clinical services, and law enforcement officers are vital to achieving this goal.

Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program FY 2018 Competitive Grant Announcement Webinar

During this webinar, Gregory Torain, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Policy Advisor, will review the fiscal year 2018 BJA Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program Solicitation guidelines and will be available to answer questions. Moderator: Preeti Menon, Senior Associate Director, Justice Programs Office.


Webinar: Implementing Evidence Based Practices and Services with Fidelity

Although crime control policy and program development processes are increasingly being informed by scientific evidence, identifying and adopting what works is only part of what’s needed to realize positive outcomes. Evidence-based programs and practices (EBPs) still have to be implemented with fidelity and integrity in order to be successful. Unfortunately, implementation is not an easy task. Implementation science, however, can help practitioners tackle implementation challenges so the promise of EBPs can be more fully realized.

NW3C FC 101-Financial Investigations Practical Skills (FIPS) (May 2018)

The "Financial Crime (FC) 101 - Financial Investigations Practical Skills" (FIPS) course provides hands-on training at a basic level. Students develop the practical skills, insight, and knowledge necessary to manage a successful financial investigation from start to finish, including the acquisition and examination of financial records, interview skills, and case management and organization. Additional topics include securities fraud, insurance fraud, financial exploitation of the elderly, financial profiling, and state-specific statutes and legal issues.

Overcoming Victim/Witness Intimidation: Innovative Prosecutor Tools and Techniques

The ability to gain victim/witness cooperation for a successful prosecution, despite intimidation, is a significant challenge faced by prosecutors across the country. Webinar speaker John Delaney, former First Assistant District Attorney of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania District Attorney's Office, is no stranger to this reality. Mr. Delaney has more than 35 years of experience as a prosecutor, and will share effective tools and techniques to help overcome victim/witness intimidation challenges.

DNA Basics: Understanding DNA Evidence in Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions (April 2018)

DNA evidence can be some of the most powerful and compelling evidence in criminal investigations, but how does it really work? Peek behind the scenes and learn how DNA evidence is gathered, analyzed, and presented in court in criminal prosecutions. The webinar will discuss the benefits and pitfalls of this silent biological witness that is present at almost every crime scene, as well as some exciting new trends in DNA analysis that promise to solve even more cases in the future.

2018 Community Courts and Public Safety Conference

The Center for Court Innovation, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and Birmingham, Alabama Municipal Court, is hosting the 2018 Community Courts and Public Safety Conference in Birmingham, Alabama on Monday, May 7 through Wednesday, May 9, 2018. These international conferences for community court practitioners have been taking place every two years since 2010.
