Although crime control policy and program development processes are increasingly being informed by scientific evidence, identifying and adopting what works is only part of what’s needed to realize positive outcomes. Evidence-based programs and practices (EBPs) still have to be implemented with fidelity and integrity in order to be successful. Unfortunately, implementation is not an easy task. Implementation science, however, can help practitioners tackle implementation challenges so the promise of EBPs can be more fully realized. This webinar will describe three common approaches for being evidence-based and the inherent implementation challenges associated with each. It will demonstrate the importance and difficulty of sound implementation using real world examples, and describe key lessons learned from implementation science that practitioners can use across a range of settings to deliver EBPs with greater fidelity, thereby improving outcomes. Roger Przybylski, Founder/Consultant, RKC Group and Research Director, JRSA presented for the webinar and Chris Asplen, Executive Director, National Criminal Justice Association moderated the event. The webinar recording, slides and transcript are available to the public via the NCJA website. (
Amount | Description |
$108.00 | Web-Ex subscription and webinar transcription |