
Webinar - Investigating crime and non-traditional spaces: Gaming consoles and underground illicit forums.

In recent decades, gaming consoles have developed from simple, single-function machines into sophisticated personal computing devices, containing personal information and facilitating communication between users. Due to the popularity of gaming consoles among all ages, it is important for state, local, tribal and territorial criminal justice agents to understand how gaming consoles are used in the commission of crime.  This webinar identifies the types of data accessible from gaming consoles and how to leverage data extracted from gaming consoles to obtain attribution and for intelligence p

Webinar - Investigating crime and non-traditional spaces: Gaming consoles and underground illicit forums

In recent decades, gaming consoles have developed from simple, single-function machines into sophisticated personal computing devices, containing personal information and facilitating communication between users. Due to the popularity of gaming consoles among all ages, it is important for state, local, tribal and territorial criminal justice agents to understand how gaming consoles are used in the commission of crime.  This webinar identifies the types of data accessible from gaming consoles and how to leverage data extracted from gaming consoles to obtain attribution and for intelligence p

Virtual Convening: Connect & Protect Grantees (joint with JMHCP)

To offer training and support to these grantees on a national level, BJA, with the support of its technical assistance provider, The Council of State Governments Justice Center (CSGJC), will convene a Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) and Connect and Protect (C&P) Grantee Virtual Symposium in August 2024.

Centralized Services in Pretrial: What’s Working in Three Leading States

This webinar will discuss centralized pretrial functions, drivers for the change to centralized functions, evaluation of centralized functions, and lessons learned during the transition from previous operations to centralized operations.

Guardianship Evaluation Worksheet: Toolkit for Judges Hearing Guardianship Cases

Judges who preside over guardianship cases are often required to make determinations of capacity and to decide whether to appoint a guardian to protect individuals who are unable to make decisions on their own behalf.

Using Community-Based Strategies to Drive Down Violent Crime: The DOJ Roadmap and How to Receive Free TTA

In recent years, communities across the country have experienced substantial increases in gun violence. While some cities have made progress in reducing these crimes, pressing concerns remain for residents, community and business leaders, law enforcement and city officials, prosecutors, public health providers, and more. In response to these concerns, the United States Department of Justice launched the Violent Crime Reduction Roadmap (Roadmap).

Field Wide Webinar: FY2023 JMHCP and C & P New Grantee Orientation Part 2: Budget, Grant Management, and Performance Measurement

In this orientation webinar, CSG Justice Center and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) staff provided newly awarded Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) and Connect & Protect grantees with an overview of BJA, the CSG Justice Center, the program budget, the JustGrants management system, and the performance measurement tool (PMT). Speakers included: Tammy Lovill, State Policy Advisor, JMHCP, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S.

Field Wide Webinar: FY23 JMHCP and Connect & Protect Orientation Webinar Part 2: Budget, Grant Management, and Performance Measurement

In this orientation webinar, CSG Justice Center and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) staff provided newly awarded Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) and Connect & Protect grantees with an overview of BJA, the CSG Justice Center, the program budget, the JustGrants management system, and the performance measurement tool (PMT). Speakers included: Tammy Lovill, State Policy Advisor, JMHCP, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice; Aja C.

Field Wide Webinar: FY23 JMHCP and Connect & Protect Orientation Webinar Part 1: Grant and Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Information

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) staff provided newly awarded grantees with an overview of BJA, the CSG Justice Center, behavioral health diversion and reentry strategies, the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP), Connect & Protect (C & P), and training and technical (TTA) assistance. Staff also gave critical context about people with behavioral health needs in the criminal justice system.

Field Wide Webinar: FY23 JMHCP and Connect & Protect Orientation Webinar Part 1: Grant and Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Information

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) staff provided newly awarded grantees with an overview of BJA, the CSG Justice Center, behavioral health diversion and reentry strategies, the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP), Connect & Protect (C & P), and training and technical (TTA) assistance. Staff also gave critical context about people with behavioral health needs in the criminal justice system.
