
Virtual: 2020 Summer Summit Learning Series

Due to COVID-19, the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) has decided to offer a portion of the Summer Summit that was to be held in Denver, CO in a modified format as the “2020 Summer Summit Virtual Learning Series.” This series highlights six of the topics from the original agenda regarding professional development and victim advocacy needed to address the “Challenge of Change.” Sign up today to learn from experienced faculty from around the country while not leaving your home office!

Webinar: “Pandemic Lessons, Police Accountability and the Shifting Role of the Prosecutor”

In the past two months, prosecutors' offices and court systems across the nation have seen their daily work to maintain constitutional justice uprooted, altered, and halted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, in response to George Floyd’s death, the criminal justice system also began facing calls for expanded police accountability. The role of the prosecutor is changing rapidly and the steps that prosecutors take in the upcoming months could impact the justice system for years to come.

Webinar: Developing Effective Working Relationships with Victims and Offenders for Community Corrections Professionals

Evidence-based practices clearly demonstrate that the relationships professionals develop with their client is critical in supporting behavioral change. Creating a relationship that is supportive, empathetic, and accountable and that provides appropriate advocacy is foundational in the change process. Developing effective working relationships requires balancing empathy and boundaries with clear goals and an attention to resolving barriers.

Webinar: Comprehensive Approach to Offender Management

Gain an overview of the comprehensive approach to offender management. Discuss the fundamental principles of this approach including victim centeredness, public education, specialized knowledge and training, monitoring and evaluation, and collaboration. These fundamental principles will provide a guide for how offender management should be directed, what strategies should be implemented, and which stakeholders should be involved in these efforts.

Webinar - COVID-19: Managing the Stress of Uncertainty by Taking Care of You

The "COVID-19: Managing the Stress of Uncertainty by Taking Care of You" webinar will help policy makers and all disciplines of correctional staff provide training and technical assistance on effective management of employees and subsequent related stressors that can be caused by pandemic-type occurrences.

Webinar – Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series: Jury Selection

In “Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series: Jury Selection,” Sheila Ross of the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia will share her years of insight and experience with the capital case jury selection process, providing attendees with a practical toolkit to immediately apply to their next trial.

This presentation is suitable for all levels of experience.

This webinar is part of the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys’ Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series.

Veterans' Courts: Community of Practice Session

The January 2020 Tribal Community of Practice will focus on justice systems and services dedicated to veterans. Our discussion will revolve around topics relevant to assisting American Indian veterans that include: historical context of warriors within tribal communities, military cultural competency, combat trauma, and resources/practices geared toward restoration. 

Please join the National Criminal Justice Training Center in our dialogue that will encourage idea-sharing to develop well-rounded and informed services for our community members.


Child Abduction Response Team Training (CART)

Take steps toward implementing a successful Child Abduction Response Team (CART) by bringing together a team of experts whose knowledge, skills, and abilities will be beneficial in a child abduction case. Participants will learn how to develop a multidisciplinary CART for responding to endangered, missing, or abducted children. Hear about the impact a child abduction has on the family and learn the fundamentals of developing an effective, responsive CART.

Champlain College Incorporated

Founded in 1878, Champlain College® is a small, not-for-profit, private college overlooking Lake Champlain and Burlington, Vermont, with additional campuses in Montreal, Canada, and Dublin, Ireland. Our career-driven approach to higher education prepares students for their professional life from their very first semester.

Champlain College educates adaptable thinkers, daring change-makers, and inclusive innovators who shape professions and inspire communities. 

The Investigation and Prosecution of Gang-Related Crimes: An Introduction

This webinar will serve as a primer for basic gang investigation and prosecution. It will focus on different types of gangs, the importance of documenting gang members and gangs, and the tools prosecutors need and have in order to be successful in court.

During this webinar, presenters will discuss:
