From baby formula to auto parts, criminals counterfeit all kinds of products. This one-day training is a real “eye-opener” for investigators and prosecutors about the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products. In response to the serious threat of counterfeit products and other types of intellectual property (IP) crime, the National White Collar Crime Center and the National Association of Attorneys General are providing training to state and local law enforcement in the area of IP crime. During the training, students are provided with a state-specific workbook that includes statutes that may be applied to IP crimes, sample organizational documents for IP investigations, and other useful resources for IP investigations and prosecutions.
Attendees are also provided with two resource CDs: one for law enforcement and one that can be used for the general public. These CDs contain resources to assist investigators and prosecutors with their IP crime cases.
The training is a mix of lecture, discussion, and interactive exercises that includes:
- Health and safety issues resulting from counterfeit products;
- Economic ramifications of IP crime;
- Investigative techniques and prosecutorial theories;
- IP crime connection to organized crime, gangs, and terrorism; and
- Hands-on exercise, "real" examples of counterfeit products, and more.
Amount | Description |
$0.00 | No Cost $0 |