Law Enforcement

Register to join the Justice Clearinghouse for the webinar “Mass Casualty Response Resilience/Post Action Strategic Debriefing” on Wednesday, May 17 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET. This webinar will discuss first responder in-action activities and post-action strategic debriefing (PASD) related to mass casualty incidents. During the webinar, participants will learn how to:

Webinar - Mass Casualty Response Resilience/Post Action Strategic Debriefing

Working in law enforcement, while incredibly rewarding, can at times also be equally stressful.

And then, there’s events like the Pulse Nightclub Shooing in Orlando, Florida.

Or Sandy Hook Elementary, in Newtown, Connecticut.

Our immediate thoughts, of course, are with the victims and their families, and how this horrifying event will forever change their lives.

But what’s not often talked about, is how such events also impact – and continue to impact – the lives of the first responders who help the victims of these tragedies.

Pharmaceutical Crime - Tools for the Street (RI - Jun 2017)

This course is for the street patrol officers/new detectives who need to understand the scope of the problem,  the types of crimes that may be encountered, how to respond to the scene, awareness of associated evidence, interview techniques, and documentation to further an investigation for a successful prosecution.

Pharmaceutical Crime - Tools for the Street (Jun 2017)

This course is for the street patrol officers/new detectives who need to understand the scope of the problem, the types of crimes that may be encountered, how to respond to the scene, awareness of associated evidence, interview techniques, and documentation to further an investigation for a successful prosecution.

National Forum on Criminal Justice (July - Aug 2017)

Sponsored by the National Criminal Justice Association, the Justice Research and Statistics Association, and the IJIS Institute, the National Forum on Criminal Justice showcases programs, research, and technologies that help justice practitioners and decisionmakers in states, local communities, and tribal nations address pressing public safety issues. It is the only criminal justice conference that brings together leaders from federal, state, local, and tribal government and the public and private sector to share real world strategies and solutions from around the country.

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day, while the week in which that day falls is designated as National Police Week. This week honors the U.S. law enforcement community and recognizes law enforcement and first responder personnel who have fallen in the line of duty.

The Center for Evidence-based Crime Policy (CEBCP) at George Mason University released the spring 2017 issue of the Translational Criminology magazine to share examples of how research is converted into criminal justice practice. This biannual magazine serves to advance CEBCP’s mission of providing an informational link between practitioners and the policy community and advancing research-practice collaborations.

Pharmaceutical Crime - Advanced Investigative Techniques (TX - May 2017)

This course is for the detective who is assigned to a pharmaceutical crime unit or investigation. This course will address the crimes associated with pharmaceutical drug diversion, criminal methods, investigative techniques, evidence collection, and the importance of involving a prosecutor at the onset to prepare the case for successful prosecution.


"How To Hunt" Criminals and Terrorists: The Actionable Intelligence Workshop (June 2017)

This 1-day workshop is designed to instruct police department commanders, their police officers assigned to both patrol and investigative functions, and their analysts on how to aggressively collect and use actionable intelligence. The same intelligence techniques can also be used against both criminal and terrorist targets. The intelligence training taught in this workshop is designed to supplement the existing operational professionalism, skills, and experience within the audience.
