Law Enforcement

Pharmaceutical Crimes - Tools for the Street

This course is for the street patrol officers/new detectives who need to understand the scope of the problem, the types of crimes that may be encountered, how to respond to the scene, awareness of associated evidence, interview techniques, and documentation to further an investigation for a successful prosecution.

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) is excited to announce the release of the spring 2017 edition of the BJA Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Provider Directory. This free, easy-to-use, downloadable guide enables BJA staff, BJA TTA providers, and the criminal justice field to access key information on BJA TTA providers with a wealth of criminal justice knowledge and experience.

Tor, Onion Routers, Deepnet, and Darknet: A Deep Dive for Criminal Investigators (May 2017)

Many criminal investigators and analysts have heard of VPNs, proxies, and Tor. Most would not feel comfortable conducting an investigation in which one of these tools was deployed. Similarly, both the Deepnet and Darknet are widely discussed, but often not understood. At the same time, criminal investigators and analysts increasingly are required to conduct investigations and collect criminal intelligence information in these spaces or when these tools are being used.

What Investigators Need to Know About Hiding on the Internet

When a person visits a website, blog, or social media platform, information about the person is visible to the site administrator, blogger, or social media company. This information can be used by a criminal investigator or analyst to identify and locate a suspect. It can also be used by a criminal to identify, compromise, and potentially locate an investigator. It is vitally important that investigators and analysts collecting information from the Internet, or communicating in a covert capacity on the Internet, understand these potential investigative leads and possible vulnerabilities.

Onsite Training - 2017 Comprehensive Gang Model Workshop

Training on the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Comprehensive Gang Model will be offered by the National Gang Center (NGC) on June 13–15, 2017, in Denver, Colorado. The training is free; however, all other costs will be the responsibility of the participants (e.g., travel, meals, lodging, and transportation).

Who Should Attend?

OJJDP Webinar - Enhancing Police Responses to Children Exposed to Violence: A Toolkit for Law Enforcement

This webinar will discuss a new toolkit of resources to enable law enforcement officers to identify and respond to children exposed to violence and potentially traumatic events. The new toolkit, "Enhancing Police Responses to Children Exposed to Violence: A Toolkit for Law Enforcement," launches on April 4, 2017 and will be available in electronic and hardcopy. 

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ), in coordination with the RAND Corporation, has released an article as part of NIJ Journal Number 278 titled, “​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Identifying Technology Needs and Innovations to Advance Corrections.” This article explains how NIJ and a team led by the RAND Corporation are collaborating to identify types of technology needs and innovative solutions for law enforcement, courts, and corrections agencies, as part of
