The National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) is a national association comprised of tribal justice personnel and others devoted to supporting and strengthening tribal justice systems through education, information-sharing, and advocacy. NAICJA is a nonprofit corporation established in 1969 as a corporation in the State of Delaware following the enactment of the federal Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968. The Act required tribes to follow certain requirements similar to those in the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution. Tribal courts are the forums where those rights are enforced. NAICJA’s early goal was to provide education to tribal judges so that they could conduct proceedings in compliance with ICRA. Today, NAICJA's primary goals include: securing needed increases in funding for the daily functioning of tribal justice systems; serving as the national voice of tribal justice systems when advocacy is needed; ensuring that quality, culturally appropriate tribal judicial education is available nationwide; improving cooperation between tribal, state, and federal judiciaries; and providing support to tribal judiciaries by creating opportunities for networking and mentorship.
Active BJA Funded Project(s):
BJA FY24 Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance Training and Technical Assistance Solicitation