Training Delivery - Webinar

Access to Victim Services: What the New, Improved VAWA Means for State, Local, and Tribal Collaboration & Victim Services

The reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) expanded the jurisdiction of tribal courts over crimes of domestic violence committed on tribal land. This authority empowers tribal justice systems to protect victims of domestic violence and provide greater access to victim services in Indian County. Collaboration among state, local and tribal victim services is essential to meet the needs of Native women and children who are victims of domestic violence.

The Court’s Role in Solving Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System

Individuals with mental illness enter the criminal justice system on a repeat basis. What are courts doing to stop the cycle? Should courts get into the business of coordinating mental health treatment for those involved in the criminal justice system? The presenter in this webinar will discuss these questions in the context of the multitude of mental health court models in operation across the country. Mental health court models vary by the point of entry into the criminal justice system, the agencies invested in the program, and who the program serves.

School-Police Partnerships

This next event of the Supportive School Discipline Webinar Series will explore how schools and police agencies can work collaboratively to improve school safety, while minimizing the use of arrest and ensuring that law enforcement officials are not responsible for enforcing minor school discipline offenses. Recommendations will focus on the roles and responsibilities of police on campus, training and supervision for law enforcement, and developing agreements to formalize school-police partnerships.

Pre-Grant Application Webinar: Project TEAM: Helping Tribes and State/Local Governments Create Joint Jurisdiction Collaborations

Please join Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) for an exciting webinar on tribal-state court collaboration presented by members of Project TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More). Project TEAM is funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice to provide training and technical assistance (TTA) to sites who wish to design and implement joint jurisdiction justice projects.

NCJA Webinar - The Evidence Behind Medication Assisted Therapies and Behavioral Interventions for Opioid Addiction

With heroin overdoses deaths doubling from 2010 to 2012, health and justice system leaders are struggling to deal with this public health crisis. Driven in part by the effectiveness of prescription drug monitoring and interdiction efforts, first time heroin use has risen steadily since 2007. While criminal justice efforts have focused on the supply side of opioid availability, much less public attention has been paid to treatment and demand reduction strategies.

The Impact of Body Worn Cameras: The Phoenix SPI

On December 10 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. EST, the Smart Policing Initiative (SPI) will present a webinar titled “The Impact of Body Worn Cameras: The Phoenix SPI”. This webinar will be co-presented by Commander Michael Kurtenbach of the Phoenix Police Department and Dr. Charles Katz from Arizona State University (ASU).

Pay for Success: New Capital for Evidence-Based Programming

Hosted by the National Reentry Resource Center and The Urban Institute. As publicly-funded programs and services across the country continue to experience budgetary constraints, many are beginning to look to social impact bonds (SIBs) and other “pay for success” financing strategies, as possible solutions for funding.

Building Public Trust: The Role of Data in Enhancing Police Accountability and Legitimacy

Please join the Diagnostic Center and representatives from the Metro East Police District Commission (MEPDC) for a brown bag discussion on the use of data to understand and promote practices that enhance police legitimacy and accountability. The brown bag event, which is open to representatives from the U.S. DOJ, local law enforcement agencies, and the criminal justice community, will explain how the MEPDC is using a data-driven approach to enhance professionalism in local policing.

What Every Law Enforcement Agency Needs to Know about Narcan

Claiming nearly 120 American lives daily, opioid overdose is a true public health crisis. An opioid overdose typically takes 45 to 90 minutes to turn fatal, creating a critical window of opportunity for lifesaving intervention. Across the United States, law enforcement agencies are increasingly training their officers to carry naloxone in an effort to stem the tide of overdose fatalities.
