Training Delivery - Webinar

Smart Policing Initiative Webinar - Criminology 101

The Smart Policing Initiative will present a webinar on "Criminology 101" on September 3, 2014 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Eastern Time.  Dr. Scott Decker, SPI Subject Matter Expert and Foundation Professor at the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University will facilitate this webinar. The past two decades have produced an abundance of “facts” about crime.

NCJA Webinar: A Conversation with Laurie Robinson and Alfred Blumstein

This webinar will feature an interactive conversation with former Assistant Attorney General Laurie Robinson, Clarence J. Robinson Professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University and Professor Alfred Blumstein, J. Erik Jonsson University Professor of Urban Systems and Operations Research and Former Dean of the Heinz College of Carnegie Mellon University and chair of the OJP Science Advisory Board

NCJA Webinar Taking the First Step: Medicaid Enrollment Strategies within the Criminal Justice System

State and local criminal justice agencies continue to grapple with the impact of Medicaid expansion and how it can be used to reduce justice system costs, enhance access to treatment and improve public safety. This webinar, Taking the First Step: Medicaid Enrollment Strategies within the Criminal Justice System, will discuss how justice agencies at the state and local level have developed different Medicaid strategies to link their populations with access to health and behavioral health coverage.

Smart Policing Initiative (SPI) Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) Webinar

On May 28, 2014 from 2-3 pm eastern, the Smart Policing Initiative will host a webinar on Data-Driven Approaches to Traffic and Crime Safety (DDACTS). This will be an online, interactive seminar aimed at engaging the SPI community in a focused discussion around recent evidence regarding the effectiveness of DDACTS, how DDACTS reflects Smart Policing Principles, and DDACTS information resources available to police agencies. Four police agencies will also discuss their experiences with DDACTS, including Roanoke County (VA), Metro Nashville (TN), Mesa (AZ), and Shawnee (KS).

APPA Webinar - The Impact of Enhanced Sentencing Authority for Tribal Probation

Please join the American Probation & Parole Association and the Tulalip Tribes for a webinar on May 20, 2014 from 3:00 – 4:30 pm (EDT) on The Impact of Enhanced Sentencing Authority for Tribal Probation.

This webinar will:

NCJA Webinar The Evidence Behind Pretrial: Enhancing the Use of Data-Driven Decision-Making

The Evidence Behind Pretrial: Enhancing the Use of Data-Driven Decision-Making will feature a high-level discussion with leading experts on what research says about pretrial detention, risk assessment, and the impact of decision-making on public safety, fairness, and cost-effectiveness. In addition, attendees will hear from two pretrial service agencies with experience implementing and using risk assessments to make data-driven decisions related to pretrial release and supervision.
