Training Delivery - Webinar

Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program FY 2018 Competitive Grant Announcement Webinar

During this webinar, Gregory Torain, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Policy Advisor, will review the fiscal year 2018 BJA Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program Solicitation guidelines and will be available to answer questions. Moderator: Preeti Menon, Senior Associate Director, Justice Programs Office.


Webinar - Using Web-Based Motivational Assessment Strategies: MAPIT

Although drug and alcohol treatment are common mandates in the U.S. criminal justice system, many clients do not initiate treatment. The Motivational Assessment Program to Initiate Treatment (MAPIT) is a web-based motivational intervention that addresses this gap by linking a person’s risk and needs factors to case plans that the client can develop.

This webinar will explore:

  • Clinical features of MAPIT,
  • Research findings from a randomized controlled trial, and
  • A cost-effectiveness study.


Case Supervision Practices

Over the last 20 years, supervision practices in the field of probation have significantly changed in the attempt to assist in positive behavior change in probationers. The field now knows that attempting to catch people doing the “right” thing is as important as holding them accountable for incidents where they are doing the “wrong” things. How does one do this? There are many evidence-based practices to efficiently supervise probationers in order to accomplish both goals.

Overcoming Victim/Witness Intimidation: Innovative Prosecutor Tools and Techniques

The ability to gain victim/witness cooperation for a successful prosecution, despite intimidation, is a significant challenge faced by prosecutors across the country. Webinar speaker John Delaney, former First Assistant District Attorney of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania District Attorney's Office, is no stranger to this reality. Mr. Delaney has more than 35 years of experience as a prosecutor, and will share effective tools and techniques to help overcome victim/witness intimidation challenges.

Effective Use of Teams in Probation & Parole

The probation field is difficult to attack alone. Using “supervision teams” is a strategy that has been popularized nationally in the probation field by the increased success of specialty courts, including drug courts. Specialty courts have continued to improve on strategies to assist probationers in making positive behavioral change.

The Value of Nonfatal Shooting Data – A Police Foundation Webinar

Most law enforcement agencies in the United States do not collect nonfatal shooting data because there is no federal crime reporting requirement. However, nonfatal shootings and homicides are closely related, and analysis of nonfatal shootings can be extremely valuable to departments. Analysis of nonfatal shootings (which occur four times as often as homicides) can serve as part of a larger crime reduction strategy and can help law enforcement better understand the context of local gun violence.

DNA Basics: Understanding DNA Evidence in Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions (April 2018)

DNA evidence can be some of the most powerful and compelling evidence in criminal investigations, but how does it really work? Peek behind the scenes and learn how DNA evidence is gathered, analyzed, and presented in court in criminal prosecutions. The webinar will discuss the benefits and pitfalls of this silent biological witness that is present at almost every crime scene, as well as some exciting new trends in DNA analysis that promise to solve even more cases in the future.
