Probation/Parole Officers

Webinar - SOAR: A Reentry Tool for Individuals Involved in the Criminal Justice System

The Social Security Administration disability benefit programs – Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – can provide income and health insurance benefits to support healthy return to communities for previously incarcerated individuals who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder. SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) is a model that can help.

Webinar - How Data Analytics Improve Agency & Facility Management

Can you be a more effective leader, and a better decisionmaker, with readily accessible data? The information challenges presented to agency and facility management, as well as the broader justice and public safety community including pretrial and probation departments, vary greatly but can all be solved through technology. 

Join the DXC Eclipse team as they walk through challenge scenarios you may be running into at your agency or correctional facility.  Learn how to solve them through the use of data analytics, reporting and business intelligence (BI).

Webinar - Reducing the Risk of Opioid Overdose - MAT Reentry Programs

Individuals exiting prisons and jails have an increased likelihood of opioid overdose. Some corrections systems have chosen to address this risk through the use of reentry programs that incorporate medication-assisted treatment (MAT). While a range of Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program site-based projects are tackling the opioid epidemic by focusing on the front end of the criminal justice system (for example, through the roles of first responders), several teams are focusing on improving jail- and prison-related strategies.

IASAP Drug Abuse Detection: Shiprock, NM

Review the seven-step approach to drug influence and identification, which includes pulse, horizontal gaze nystagmus, vertical nystagmus, lack of convergence, pupillary comparison, pupil reaction, and Romberg stand. Gain understanding in how the eyes react to drug influence and the effects on the central nervous system. Practice what you have learned using hands-on activities. As a law enforcement or parole/probation officer, you will gain the skills you need to recognize impairment caused by the most abused drugs or alcohol in Indian Country.

NW3C-FC 122 - Intellectual Property Theft Training

From baby formula to auto parts, criminals counterfeit all kinds of products. This one-day training is a real “eye-opener” for investigators and prosecutors about the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products. In response to the serious threat of counterfeit products and other types of intellectual property (IP) crime, the National White Collar Crime Center and the National Association of Attorneys General are providing training to state and local law enforcement in the area of IP crime.

NW3C-FC 122 - Intellectual Property Theft Training (Sept 2018)

From baby formula to auto parts, criminals counterfeit all kinds of products. This one-day training is a real “eye-opener” for investigators and prosecutors about the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products. In response to the serious threat of counterfeit products and other types of intellectual property (IP) crime, the National White Collar Crime Center and the National Association of Attorneys General are providing training to state and local law enforcement in the area of IP crime.

To Serve, Protect, and Treat: Law Enforcement and Treatment Courts, NDCRC Webinar

Law enforcement is often the first point of contact for those with substance use disorders. In the United States, approximately 1.5 million individuals arrested each year are at risk of substance dependence. Treatment courts strive to combine effective justice approaches with clinical services, and law enforcement officers are vital to achieving this goal.

Webinar: Implementing Evidence Based Practices and Services with Fidelity

Although crime control policy and program development processes are increasingly being informed by scientific evidence, identifying and adopting what works is only part of what’s needed to realize positive outcomes. Evidence-based programs and practices (EBPs) still have to be implemented with fidelity and integrity in order to be successful. Unfortunately, implementation is not an easy task. Implementation science, however, can help practitioners tackle implementation challenges so the promise of EBPs can be more fully realized.

Case Supervision Practices

Over the last 20 years, supervision practices in the field of probation have significantly changed in the attempt to assist in positive behavior change in probationers. The field now knows that attempting to catch people doing the “right” thing is as important as holding them accountable for incidents where they are doing the “wrong” things. How does one do this? There are many evidence-based practices to efficiently supervise probationers in order to accomplish both goals.
