Law Enforcement

PT 201 - Digital Evidence Basics & the CLOUD Act

This course provides the technical and legal information prosecutors need to see cases involving digital evidence through the entire criminal justice process, from seizure and extraction, to admissibility, to verdict. Topics include digital evidence commonly seized during the execution of a search warrant, issues specific to mobile phones, digital evidence stored remotely ("in the cloud"), and the processes investigators use to obtain this evidence, such as the interrogation of digital devices.

Introduction to FinCEN

This webinar is intended for LAW ENFORCEMENT personnel: those who are directly attached to or work in support of a law enforcement agency. Please register using your agency-issued email.

This webinar is intended as a Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) overview. It will include information on products and services, Bank Secrecy Act records and information, and how FinCEN is used in investigations.

Presented by: James Emery, FinCEN.

Virtual Currency Investigations: Fear Not the Blockchains

Blockchain technology is not only a disruptive new payment rail, but also is the next phase in the evolution of the Internet. This new technology presents unique investigative challenges for law enforcement and regulatory agencies of all sizes. This fast-paced class assumes that attendees have no prior knowledge of blockchain technology, but seek to gain a foundational understanding of it.

Expand and Integrate Law Enforcement Relevant Data 101: A How To Guide for Investigators and Analysts

Data exists in a multitude of locations and formats all throughout law enforcement agencies. While most agencies rely heavily on computer aided dispatch and records management systems, there are other data sources within law enforcement agencies, external law enforcement agencies, government entities, and corporations which are relevant and can be utilized in crimefighting efforts. This webinar will provide concrete examples of such data types and methods of and barriers to integration.

First Responder Burnout Prevention Webinar

The Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program team invites you to this no-cost webinar on Thursday, October 11 at 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET.

Please register to reserve your spot!

This webinar will examine the causes of first responder burnout with consideration given to stresses arising from response to the opioid epidemic.

Panelists will discuss:

CI 115 - Dark Currency: Investigating the Dark Web and Virtual Currency (Oct 25 2018)

This course provides attendees with fundamental knowledge and skills related to the dark web and virtual currency. The course focuses on the investigation of crimes committed on or through the dark web, how the dark web can be used as an investigative tool, and the investigation of crimes involving virtual currency.

CI 201 - Social Media & Open Source Intelligence (Oct 2018, Louisiana)

This course covers the skills investigators need to conduct successful online investigations involving social media. Topics include internet basics such as IP addresses and domains, an overview of currently popular social media platforms, and best practices for building an online undercover profile. Instructors demonstrate both open-source and commercially available investigative tools for social engineering, information gathering, and artifacts related to social media, as well as automated utilities to capture information and crawl websites.

CI 201 - Social Media & Open Source Intelligence (Oct 2018, Michigan)

This course covers the skills investigators need to conduct successful online investigations involving social media. Topics include internet basics such as IP addresses and domains, an overview of currently popular social media platforms, and best practices for building an online undercover profile. Instructors demonstrate both open-source and commercially available investigative tools for social engineering, information gathering, and artifacts related to social media, as well as automated utilities to capture information and crawl websites.

FC 201 - Financial Records Investigative Skills (Oct 2018)

This course builds on the concepts introduced in "Financial Crime (FC) 101 - Financial Investigations Practical Skills" and "FC 105 - Financial Records Examination and Analysis," introducing investigators and prosecutors to emerging issues in financial crime. Topics include money laundering, analyzing large financial data sets, conducting effective interviews, and managing large amounts of financial evidence. This course consists of a mix of lecture, discussion, and hands-on exercises. Students conduct a mock investigation that includes interviews, data analysis, and the construction of an electronic case file.

CI 115 - Dark Currency: Investigating the Dark Web and Virtual Currency (Oct 2018, Michigan)

This course provides attendees with fundamental knowledge and skills related to the dark web and virtual currency. The course focuses on the investigation of crimes committed on or through the dark web, how the dark web can be used as an investigative tool, and the investigation of crimes involving virtual currency.
