
The First Steps to Applying, Prepare Now

This is the second webinar in a four-part series preparing applicants for Bureau of Justice Assistance funding opportunities. Prior to the release of a solicitation, there are a number of steps that applicants can take. In this webinar, attendees will learn what registrations are necessary to apply, how to navigate, and what resources are available for applicants, such as the Office of Justice Programs’ Funding Resource Center. A question-and-answer session will follow at the end.

Funding Opportunities for Your Community in 2019 - An Overview of What’s Ahead

This webinar is the first in a series of four that will help prospective applicants find funding opportunities that address their needs. In this webinar, attendees will learn about the primary initiatives the Bureau of Justice Assistance plans to fund in fiscal year 2019, eligibility requirements, and estimated funding amounts. A question-and-answer session will follow at the end.

Learning from Error in Criminal Justice: A Sentinel Events Approach

In criminal justice, a “sentinel event” is a bad outcome that might include a death in custody, routine police encounter that escalates to violence, mishandling of evidence, wrongful conviction, or “near miss,” in which a negative event is narrowly avoided. Too often, the criminal justice system fails to learn from these bad outcomes. Drawing inspiration from aviation, medicine, and other high-risk fields, the Sentinel Events Initiative (SEI) takes an alternative approach.

Child Protector App: An Investigative and Educational Tool

Learn more about Child Protector, a free application designed to improve the investigative, administrative, and judicial handling of child physical abuse cases, as well as child fatalities, in a manner that reduces trauma to the child and family.

Webinar: Implementing Evidence Based Practices and Services with Fidelity

Although crime control policy and program development processes are increasingly being informed by scientific evidence, identifying and adopting what works is only part of what’s needed to realize positive outcomes. Evidence-based programs and practices (EBPs) still have to be implemented with fidelity and integrity in order to be successful. Unfortunately, implementation is not an easy task. Implementation science, however, can help practitioners tackle implementation challenges so the promise of EBPs can be more fully realized.

FY 2018 Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction Program: Site-Based Solicitation Webinar

This webinar will provide an overview of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction Program (the current model and training and technical assistance program), as well as a walkthrough of key changes in the fiscal year 2018 solicitation. There will also be time for questions and answers.
