
Webinar: Peer Recovery Support Services in Tribal Communities

Discuss an overview of peer recovery support services (PRSS) as part of a comprehensive program to address substance abuse within tribal communities. Explore specific models of PRSS implementation within tribal communities. Identify benefits of PRSS as well as common challenges and barriers. Examine important considerations related to building comprehensive intervention strategies to respond to alcohol and substance abuse issues in tribal communities including PRSS.

Webinar: Ask the Expert: Co-Occurring Disorders Simplified

Previous webinars have laid the foundation regarding the impact of addiction on the brain, understanding mental health symptoms, and what tribal service providers and criminal justice professionals can do to support tribal members’ journeys out of addiction. Join this session for a facilitated discussion and open forum with subject matter experts who will answer your practical questions regarding working with individuals presenting with co-occurring disorder diagnoses (comorbidity).

Webinar: Examining the Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Substance Use among Tribal Populations

Examine the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and substance use, with an emphasis on research specific to tribal communities and youth. Discuss the confounding effects of social economic factors and ethnicity-based differences in prevalence rates. Review culturally enhanced treatment options for ACEs. Explore specific strategies for caregivers, prevention specialists, treatment providers, criminal justice professionals, and community members. Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  • Summarize research on the prevalence of ACEs among Native American/Alaska Native youth. 
  • Explain the relationship between social economic factors, ethnicity-based differences, and prevalence rates. 
  • Identify culturally-enhanced treatment options for ACEs.
  • Describe specific strategies to increase positive outcomes for youth impacted by ACEs.

Webinar: Building Stress-Resilient Tribal Communities

Review stress factors, the toxic stress of poverty, and the protective nature of community on stress resilience. Discuss the generational impact on stress resilience. Explore the predictive quality of social and community support on building stress resilience and stress management and reduction strategies. Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

Webinar: Examining the Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Substance Use among Tribal Populations

Examine the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and substance use, with an emphasis on research specific to tribal communities and youth. Discuss the confounding effects of social economic factors and ethnicity-based differences in prevalence rates. Review culturally enhanced treatment options for ACEs. Explore specific strategies for caregivers, prevention specialists, treatment providers, criminal justice professionals, and community members.

Upon completion of this webinar, you will be able to:

Webinar: Strategies to Reduce Underage Substance Abuse in Tribal Communities

Examine key predictors of underaged substance abuse. Discuss the long-term impact of underaged substance use, prevalence rates among tribal communities, and strategies to reduce or delay underaged substance use in tribal communities.

Upon completion of this webinar, you will be able to:

  • List key predictors of underaged substance use
  • Explain the critical importance of delaying use
  • Identify skills and strategies specific to tribal communities in reducing underage substance use

Webinar: Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Alliance Development - A Successful Tribal Model

Attend this webinar for a discussion on Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) of the Flathead Nation's journey to implement a successful Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Alliance including the steps they took, key community stakeholders they involved to achieve success, and how they have been able to sustain their Alliance.

Webinar: “COVID-19: The Return to Campus and the ‘New Normal’”

In partnership with the Collaborative Reform Initiate Technical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC) and the COPS Office, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) will host a webinar on July 28, 2020, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST on preparing for college and university students and faculty returning to campus.

Webinar: “Getting Buy-In for Anonymous Reporting Systems”

Are you interested in implementing an Anonymous Reporting System (ARS) at your school to help prevent safety concerns before they are acted upon? This live webinar will guide participants in understanding the benefits and steps to smoothly adopting an ARS.


Law enforcement, mental health professionals, principals, and superintendents.

Learning Objectives

Webinar – BJA’s STOP School Violence Program FY 2020 Solicitation

BJA’s STOP School Violence Grant Program is designed to improve school security by providing students and teachers with the tools they need to recognize, respond quickly to, and help prevent acts of violence. This live webinar is available for interested applicants to ask questions about the solicitation.


Any agencies interested in applying for BJA’s STOP School Violence Program FY 2020 Solicitation.
