Juvenile Justice

Across juvenile detention centers in California, the InsideOUT Writers (IOW) Program promotes positive development and offers an outlet for self-expression to incarcerated youth. With roots in a program started in 1996 by Sister Janet Harris, chaplain of a Los Angeles, California juvenile hall, IOW empowers participants to express themselves and cultivate self-confidence and self-appreciation through creative writing classes and writing retreats.

Each year, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) hosts an Annual Conference and Exposition bringing together thousands of federal, state, county, local, and tribal law enforcement professionals to provide the latest strategies and solutions to better serve and protect. This year, the IACP Annual Conference and Exposition (IACP 2017) will be held October 21 – 24 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Center for Court Innovation developed a platform to share resources with the justice field, Treatment Courts Online: The National Training System for Treatment Court Practitioners. Using this website, treatment court practitioners have access to courses related to adult drug courts, juvenile drug treatment courts, the Veterans Treatment Court model, and Healing to Wellness Courts in tribal communities.

The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) released its Fiscal Year 2018 Program Summaries report, which provides details of all 72 programs that the agency manages. This resource covers program descriptions, goals, funding details, accomplishments, and application and award history for each program.

Defensive Tactics and Personal Safety Training

Practice skills to effectively resolve disturbances that may arise in community supervision, during home visits or search and seizure, or in a court setting. Review the Disturbance Resolution model, a framework for determining what level of force is necessary and reasonable in various situations. Explore the legal justification for using force as well as situational desirability, threat assessment opportunities, officer versus subject factors and effective communication techniques.

Webinar: Reducing Recidivism: Improving Supervision Outcomes for FASD Probationers

Research suggests that as many as 60 percent of adolescents and adults with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) come into contact with the criminal justice system. FASD is a prenatal brain injury that can make understanding and complying with probation conditions difficult, putting this population at higher risk for recidivism. Learn effective supervision strategies to improve supervision outcomes, prevent crime, and reduce recidivism. During the webinar, participants will:

Drug Identification and Recognition for Tribal Probation

Explore techniques to recognize drug influence when conducting home visits, search and seizure, or other interactions with probationers. Develop the critical skills to recognize common paraphernalia and the signs and symptoms of persons under the influence of stimulants, hallucinogens, opiates, marijuana, alcohol, depressants, inhalants, and dissociative anesthetics through hands-on instruction.
