Law Enforcement

The Global Strategic Solutions Working Group (GSSWG) recently released Video Evidence: A Law Enforcement Guide to Resources and Best Practices, which is designed for police chiefs, sheriffs, and line officers to provide answers to straightforward questions they may have regarding properly securing, collecting, storing, and analyzing video, and to provide sources for training.

The National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) is seeking nominations for its annual NCJA Outstanding Criminal Justice Program Awards. These awards honor successful criminal justice programs that use promising practices to address important crime and justice issues in communities. NCJA will honor these winning programs at the 2014 National Forum on Criminal Justice, which takes place August 10-13, 2014 in Breckenridge, Colorado.

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is seeking applications for the National Training and Technical Assistance: Anti-Human Trafficking Training for Law Enforcement Prosecutors Program. The purpose of this competitive funding announcement is to select a provider to deliver nationwide, anti-human trafficking training and technical assistance (TTA) services to law enforcement agencies as well as state prosecutors who are increasingly seeing human trafficking cases but are unprepared to work with victims and/or prosecute the crime.

The Vera Institute of Justice recently released a paper titled Putting a Value on Crime Analysts: Considerations for Law Enforcement. The paper offers guidance for police executives on how to explain the value of crime analysts and whether cost-benefit analysis (CBA) can help demonstrate a return on investment for these positions.

JRSA's Use of Incident-Based Data as an Analytical Tool to Address Policy Webinar

Incident-based data reported by law enforcement capture numerous elements that can help uncover patterns about particular types of crime, crime victims, arrestees, and other factors. The knowledge provided from analyzing IBR data has contributed to strategic and operational changes in law enforcement agencies, the creation of more effective prevention programs, the establishment of educational programs for victims and advocacy groups, and changes in justice policy.

Community Justice 2014: International Summit

The summit will provide an opportunity for practitioners from both inside and outside the justice system, including judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, probation officials, court administrators, police, clinical staff, and non-profit organizations to learn about a range of topics, including best practices in procedural justice, risk/needs assessment, alternative sanctions, and community restitution.

Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Director Denise O’Donnell discusses cybercrime in the February 2014 issue of The Police Chief, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) monthly magazine. In the issue, which focuses on homeland security and cybercrime, Director O’Donnell highlights challenges in addressing cybercrime and BJA’s efforts to provide resources and training to law enforcement to the combat cyber threats.

Please join the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (APA) for their February Final Fridays webinar, Prosecuting Hate Crimes, which will be held on Friday, February 28, from 3 – 4 p.m. EST. This free webinar will provide an opportunity for new and experienced prosecutors, law enforcement officers, criminal justice professionals, and community members to learn ways to end the violence in their area.

APA Final Friday Webinar: Prosecuting Hate Crimes

Reprising one of the most popular sessions from last year’s 8th National Community Prosecution Summit, Joy Repella, Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney and Patrice O’Neill, CEO & Executive Producer of the Oakland, CA based non-profit, Not in Our Town, present February’s Final Friday’s webinar, “Prosecuting Hate Crimes”.
