Law Enforcement

2015 ACJS Annual Meeting

The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) is an international association established in 1963 to foster professional and scholarly activities in the field of criminal justice. ACJS promotes criminal justice education, research, and policy analysis within the discipline of criminal justice for both educators and practitioners. Providing a forum for disseminating ideas related to issues in research, policy, education, and practice within the field, ACJS attributes its success in creating this dynamic professional association to the composition of its membership.

Integrated Justice Information Systems (IJIS) Institute National Symposium

The IJIS Institute National Symposium focuses on information sharing and safeguarding (IS&S) and national priority initiatives in which the IJIS Institute is involved. The National Symposium brings together IJIS Institute Members, Partners, and Associates to network in a non-sales environment and to collaborate on national priority issues. It offers the unique opportunity to hear first-hand from state and local government officials and Federal government leaders.

School-Police Partnerships

This next event of the Supportive School Discipline Webinar Series will explore how schools and police agencies can work collaboratively to improve school safety, while minimizing the use of arrest and ensuring that law enforcement officials are not responsible for enforcing minor school discipline offenses. Recommendations will focus on the roles and responsibilities of police on campus, training and supervision for law enforcement, and developing agreements to formalize school-police partnerships.

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) is excited to present the BJA Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Provider Directory. This new resource will be accessible to practitioners in the field, TTA Providers, and BJA staff in order to foster collaboration.

The Impact of Body Worn Cameras: The Phoenix SPI

On December 10 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. EST, the Smart Policing Initiative (SPI) will present a webinar titled “The Impact of Body Worn Cameras: The Phoenix SPI”. This webinar will be co-presented by Commander Michael Kurtenbach of the Phoenix Police Department and Dr. Charles Katz from Arizona State University (ASU).
