Law Enforcement

2015 National Sheriffs' Association Annual Conference and Exposition

The National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) 2015 Winter Conference is designed to convene NSA’s most active sheriffs and share resources related to education, training, and current criminal justice topics.

Be sure to stop by the BJA NTTAC/Office of Justice Programs Diagnostic Center exhibit booth on Monday, June 29 and Tuesday, June 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to learn how your agency can request no-cost training and technical assistance (TTA).

NCJA Webinar - Juvenile Etiology and Typologies

This webinar will address two topics: the etiology of sexual offending by juveniles and typologies for juveniles who have committed sexual offenses. The etiological research that will be reviewed in this webinar addresses the causes or origins of juvenile sexual offending, and the pathways related to the development, onset, and maintenance of sexually abusive behavior in this population.

Please join the Justice Clearinghouse on June 16 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET for the Local Overdose Fatality Review Teams webinar. This webinar will focus on the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s (DHMH) efforts to apply the process of case review to drug and alcohol overdose deaths through the formation of multidisciplinary teams coordinated by local health departments.

Please join the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) on Monday, June 15 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. ET for the webinar, “Developing a Policy to Protect Children of Arrested Parents.” During the webinar, panelists will provide guidance on the planning and implementation process of a police departmental policy to protect children at the time of parental arrest.

The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor application period is now open. The Medal of Valor is awarded by the President of the United States to a public safety officer who has exhibited exceptional courage, extraordinary decisiveness and presence of mind, and unusual swiftness of action, regardless of his or her own personal safety, in the attempt to save or protect human life. To be considered, the application file must include:

Balancing Collaboration, Confidentiality and Privilege on Human Trafficking Cases - Webinar 2

The prevalence of human trafficking across the country is widespread—spanning small, rural jurisdictions to sprawling cities—and affects both domestic and foreign-born children and adults. Because of the coercive and violent nature of human trafficking, it is common for victims to experience overlapping forms of victimization, particularly domestic violence and sexual assault. Yet, many survivors are unrecognized, criminalized, or do not receive adequate services to address their complex needs.
