Law Enforcement

Please join Justice Clearinghouse on Thursday, September 3 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. ET for the “ABCs of Tactical Emergency Medical Support: Part 2” webinar. This webinar will cover the basics of tactical emergency medical support (TEMS). TEMS is a current hot topic and is relevant to law enforcement, fire and emergency medical support. The webinar will address the development of integrated medical support in law enforcement operations and the recent genesis of the Rescue Task Force.

Justice Clearinghouse Webinar - ABCs of Tactical Emergency Medical Support: Part 2

This educational and non-commercial webinar will cover the basics (and more) about Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS). TEMS is one of the hottest topics in public safety right now, and whether you are in law enforcement, fire or EMS, there is a lot of confusion in what things mean.

This webinar will address the development of integrated medical support in law enforcement operations and the recent genesis of the Rescue Task Force.

Exploring School Safety Strategies New England Regional Training

Hosted by the Fairfield Police Department and Sacred Heart University, the Exploring School Safety Strategies Training is a free, three-day course designed for those who work in law enforcement, school education and administration, non-profits and youth serving organizations, and those who are interested in the safety and security of our nation's schools. It provides a comprehensive approach to enhancing school safety and security.

SPI Webinar - Less Lethal Technologies in Law Enforcement

On August 26th, 2015 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. ET, the Smart Policing Initiative (SPI) will present a webinar titled “Less Lethal Technologies for Law Enforcement.” This webinar will be presented by Mr. Charles Stephenson, SPI Subject Matter Expert. This webinar will describe devices/weapons classified as less-than-lethal used by law enforcement departments. Mr. Stephenson will provide a brief introduction to less lethal technologies along with notes on the effectiveness of several devices in use today.

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) in coordination with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) recently released a resource for law enforcement officers titled, “Health Watch: Checking In For Duty.” The resource is a physician’s checklist to help law enforcement officers be their own health advocate.

Attending the National Forum on Criminal Justice? The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) invites you to visit our booth (#15) during the following exhibit hall hours to learn about the free justice-related training and technical assistance we offer to make your community safer:

National Forum on Criminal Justice (Aug 2015)

Sponsored by the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA), the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA) and the IJIS Institute (IJIS), the National Forum showcases programs, research and technologies that help justice practitioners and decision makers in states, local communities and tribal nations address pressing public safety issues.

Please join the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) on Thursday, July 30, 2015 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET for the webinar, “Preparing to Launch: Q&A on Implementing Parental Arrest Policies to Safeguard Children.” During the webinar, panelists will share their experiences in developing and implementing a parental arrest policy in a mid-sized police department.
