Victims' Advocates

How Justice Agencies Can Implement and Benefit from Sentinel Event Reviews

The National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ) Sentinel Events Initiative takes a learning approach to error in the criminal justice system. This approach advocates for non-blaming, forward-looking, all-stakeholder event reviews of negative criminal justice outcomes, which might include a death in custody, routine police encounter that escalates to violence, wrongful conviction, or “near miss” in which a negative event is narrowly avoided.

The Case for Police-Mental Health Collaboration Programs: What Every Law Enforcement Executive Should Know

People living with mental illnesses and intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) are disproportionately represented in contacts with police. These interactions can lead to stressful and dangerous conditions for everyone involved. This webinar will provide an in-depth look at the challenges many communities face and will share real-world experiences in developing Police-Mental Health Collaboration (PMHC) programs to address them.

Leave No Victim Behind IV National Training Conference

The University of Oregon, Oregon Police Department and the California Victim Compensation Board are pleased to announce the Leave No Victim Behind IV national training conference for 2019. The conference will take place on October 21 – 23, 2019 at the Conference Center of Las Vegas. The Leave No Victim Behind conference series will continue its focus on best practices for responding to mass violence and unique partnerships between law enforcement and victim services to assist victims of crime.

Child Sexual/Physical Abuse Investigations in Today’s Law Enforcement Climate

Brief Overview: The course is designed to give a greater understanding of the intricacies of modern child sexual/physical abuse investigations. The course will explain some of the challenges law enforcement faces today given various social movements and some negative publicity in the media. The goal is to give the consumer a greater understanding of how these investigations unfold and an understanding of both positives and negatives when presenting cases for charging.

National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect

The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys’ Child Abuse Prosecution Project will present a National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This three-day, tuition-free conference will feature nationally known speakers and will showcase cutting-edge workshops for child abuse prosecutors and their multidisciplinary teams. This conference is co-sponsored by the Salt Lake County, Utah District Attorney’s Office, the Western Regional Children’s Advocacy Center, and the National Children’s Advocacy Center.

Webinar - Project Safe Release

Through These Doors (the domestic violence resource center in Cumberland County, Maine) and Maine Pre-Trial Services were awarded a prestigious grant from the MacArthur Foundation in October 2018 to improve collaboration between the two organizations to reach women who are incarcerated identifying as victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence. This pilot project, Project Safe Release, is one of the first nationally to partner victim advocacy services and pre-trial services.

Webinar - From Child Welfare to the Juvenile Justice System: Disrupting the Abuse to Prison Pipeline For Girls

This webinar will examine how experiences of gendered violence create pathways for girls into the juvenile justice system, with an emphasis on crossover from the child welfare system into the juvenile justice system and how girls in the child welfare system are more susceptible to sexual exploitation.

Race, Ethnicity and Police Deployment: A Look at Patrol Staffing in Chicago

Chicago is one of the most diverse cities in the country and, in spite of this, remains among the nation’s most segregated. Serving the community poses some unique challenges for the Chicago, Illinois Police Department. There are constant demands to address crime and disorder—made more complicated by a strong group of elected aldermen that jealously guard how city services are delivered in their wards.

Webinar - Creating an Animal Abuse Task Force: How Law Enforcement Can Work with Local Resources to Investigate and Prosecute Crimes

Over the past 30 years, researchers and professionals in a variety of human services and animal welfare disciplines have established significant correlations between animal abuse, child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, elder abuse, and other forms of violence. Mistreating animals is no longer seen as an isolated incident that can be ignored; it is often an indicator or predictor of crime and a “red flag” warning sign that other family members in the household may not be safe.

Webinar - A Day in the Life: How Exposure to Community Violence Affects Children

This webinar will describe the many risks of harm (short term and long term) for children exposed to violence in their community. As rates of violent crime continue to increase in many communities across the United States, child-serving professionals across all disciplines must gain greater insight into the damaging effects of exposure to these incidents, on the children who reside there. With a focus on the emotionally damaging nature of this exposure, outcome differences by race, gender, age, and the nature and frequency of community violence exposure will be discussed.
