Victims' Advocates

Webinar - San Francisco DA’s Office Victim Services Division

The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys is partnering with the National Center for Victims of Crime and the San Francisco, California District Attorney's Office (SFDA) to offer a webinar on SFDA’s Victim Services Division. The mission of the SFDA Victim Services Division is to help victims of crime mitigate their trauma, navigate the criminal justice system, and rebuild their lives.

Webinar - Capital Litigation Improvement Project: Victim-Counsel Coordination Part I

The first in the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys’ Capital Litigation Improvement Project Webinar Series features presenter Dan Levey of the Arizona Crime Victims Rights Law Group. In “Victim-Counsel Coordination Part I,” Mr. Levey will share his personal and professional experiences on the subject of victims in capital litigation, shedding light on the strengths, as well as the gaps, of the system.

Digital and Multimedia Forensics: The Impact of Disturbing Media

Within the law enforcement and digital forensics communities, people will say, “What do they expect? It’s part of the job – they should be able to handle it.” However, technology has changed the type of evidence that is now processed in criminal cases, with more audio, video, and image evidence of the actual crime itself than ever before. In addition, almost every criminal investigation involves more than one form of digital evidence.

Webinar - Mental Health Concepts and Trafficking: Fundamentals for Justice Professionals to Understand

This webinar looks at the family’s and the victim’s perspective on the experience of trafficking. The effect of trauma on both family and victim, as well as the concept of ambiguous loss while the victim’s fate is unknown, provide the core of the presentation, in addition to a discussion of the specific challenges to the reunification and reintegration of the victim back into the family.

Research to Improve Law Enforcement Response to Persons with Mental Illnesses and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

Law enforcement agencies and communities across the country are looking for strategies to improve the behavioral health crisis response for individuals with mental illnesses and intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). This webinar will provide an overview of the evidence on models of mental health crisis response, including Crisis Intervention Teams, mobile crisis, co-responder, and stand-alone mental health response training.

Webinar - Advanced Investigative Techniques for Cold Case Sexual Assaults

The Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) Training and Technical Assistance team will host a webinar titled “Advanced Investigative Techniques for Cold Case Sexual Assaults” on Thursday, August 15, 2019 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET. The event will open at 1:45 p.m. ET.

IoT Applications and Instant Networks for Law Enforcement

With advanced technology, law enforcement agencies benefit from the ability to be at the right place at the right time — and with the right tools to enable critical communications so law enforcement officers have the real-time information they need.  With the capabilities of smart sensors, smart surveillance, license plate readers and recorders, and the ability to readily push this data to headquarters and responding emergency workers, the system can be advanced to reach vast capabilities in the detection, determination, and deterrence of criminal activity.

Webinar - The Impact of Trauma on Child Development: What Justice Professionals Need to Know

This webinar will begin with a brief overview of the impact of trauma on an adult brain and body as a point of comparison. Information is then provided on the specific impact on children. The information will then show how the developmental impact affects behavior at different ages, even into adulthood. The concepts of intergenerational trauma and fetal programming are also presented.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: 10 Tips Law Enforcement Officers Need to Know

Law enforcement officers frequently come in contact with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) but often do not receive specialized training on how to identify and interact with people with I/DD. The more knowledge officers have on this topic, the more successful they can be when identifying the disability and communicating with people with I/DD. This webinar provides 10 practical tips officers can use to effectively serve this population.

Victims, Witnesses, and Defendants with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Key Information for Prosecutors

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) are overrepresented in every part of the criminal justice system, including as victims and suspects or defendants. Prosecutors, who may encounter individuals with I/DD in a variety of ways, do not always have a full understanding of these types of disabilities or their potential impact on resolving cases. This webinar will provide an overview of I/DD, prosecutors’ legal obligations when interacting with the disability community, and concrete strategies to effectively serve this population using real-life case scenarios.
