Training Delivery - Webinar

Let Food Be Thy Medicine: How to Eat to Reduce Pain

Face it, pain management with medication and surgery is not always effective and definitely not a long-term solution. This is where nutrition shines! Eating foods that dampen inflammation is one of the most useful and powerful tools you have to reduce and manage pain. In this webinar, you will learn what foods fuel inflammation and what foods extinguish it. Walk away from this webinar with practical nutrition strategies you can implement today to get you out of pain and feeling your best.

Cyber Threats to Public Safety: Part 1

In today's cyber threat environment, attackers and defenders are constantly trying to outmaneuver each other and the stakes are higher than ever, particularly for mission-critical systems and communications. Understanding the methods and motivations of threat actors is crucial to developing a proactive program to defend against and prevent future attacks. In part one of our four part webinar series, we will introduce our insights and analysis of the most significant and impactful cyber threats facing public safety organizations. In our review of the 2022 landscape, we will breakdown the drivers of the threat actors seeking to profit or cripple mission critical systems, while introducing how we seek to combat these threats with collaboration and intelligence sharing through the Public Safety Threat Alliance (PSTA). We will also share details about the PSTAs free membership for public safety agencies, and how they can join this critical information sharing community today and begin improving their cybersecurity posture against cyber threats to their critical systems.

Deep Dive into the Networking of the Internet of Things (IoT)

By the year 2025, it is expected that there will be over 45 billion connected devices around the world that is 9.27 connected devices per person. The Internet of Things (IoT) utilizes a variety of communication standards and a unique set of networking protocols to connect these devices. This webinar will explore these unique IoT networking protocols along with their varied IoT topography and explain IoT network interrogation techniques to be used in an investigation. Topics will include, connectivity communication options and a review of some of the more commonly located "Mesh" Personal Area Networks (PAN) and Home Local Area Networks (HAN), such as Matter, Thread, Z wave, and Zigbee that may be encountered during an investigation.

Rebroadcast: Major Case Prosecution: The Portland Light Rail Stabbing Case

PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A PREVIOUSLY RECORDED EVENT. Join us February 15 at 3pm ET for an hourlong case study of the Jeremy Christian case. Multnomah County prosecutors Jeff Howes and Don Rees will provide an overview of the prosecution of Jeremy Joseph Christian, who, on May 26, 2017, stabbed two and injured another in broad daylight on the Portland, OR MAX Light Rail train while yelling racial and ethnic slurs. Attendees will have time at the end of the presentation to ask questions and presentation materials will be made available for download.

Gut Health: The Secret to your Health

It is positioned in the center of your body because it is the center of your health. Maintain or create a healthy gut, and do the most powerful thing you can do to support your health. Walk away from this webinar with a better understanding of how your gut health impacts your overall health and how you feel, what things harm or strengthen your gut health, and a handful of simple things you can do every day to create a happy, healthy gut.

Presented by,
Danielle Cook Kawash, Founder, First in Wellness

Ease Anxiety and Depression With Your Fork

The scientific evidence continues to grow in support of how nutrition affects symptoms of anxiety, depression, and your moods. Think of your fork as a powerful tool you can use to help you feel better, more energized, focused, motivated, relaxed, and rested. Walk away from this webinar with a clear understanding of how what you eat affects your moods and simple strategies you can start using today to feel your best.

Presented by,
Danielle Cook Kawash, Founder, First in Wellness

Intelligence Analysis: Asked and Answered

Join a team of experts from NW3C as they provide thoughtful and detailed answers to the intelligence analysis questions you submit. Submit questions regarding intelligence analysis skills, information collection, or general comments of analytic tradecraft and a panel of NW3C experts will provide answers during this live session.

Work-Life Balance: Identifying Ways to Enhance Communication During the Holidays

This webinar will unpack some of the challenges first responder families face during the holiday season. Dr. Craw will share her experiences as the daughter of a police officer, and Elizabeth Strong will discuss her perspectives as a 911 dispatcher. Together, they will provide insight into how families can enhance communication to address concerns about missing time together, feeling detached, and having difficulty transitioning home during the holidays. The speakers will also highlight ways families can avoid adverse outcomes of managing work-life balance, such as guilt, stress, or tension.

Presented by:
Dr. Erin Craw, Ph.D., Director of Research, Lighthouse Health and Wellness
Elizabeth Strong, Wellness and Mental Health Initiatives, NW3C
