Training Delivery - Webinar

Murder 101: Trial Strategy and Preserving the Record

JOIN US June 28, 2023 at 3pm ET for the next entry in our "Murder 101" webinar series, "Trial Strategy and Preserving the Record." Presented by Tulsa County DA Steve Kunzweiler, this webinar is excellent for building the skills of newer complex homicide and capital prosecutors. Approaching your first capital or complex homicide trial is a challenging task, even if you have previously tried other cases before a jury.

The Modern Crime Scene: Beyond Video and DNA

Technology has changed the modern crime scene; keeping up with tech advancements and collecting pertinent evidence will continue to grow exponentially. This webinar will discuss the digital evidence that is available and what may be available in the near future. We will discuss cellular, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other forms of evidence. We will provide a plan to manage the collection in an innovative, timely, and practical manner, from what can be done now with some tech to the ideal way of collecting digital evidence. We will discuss methods of corroborating evidence, writing legal process, and how to explain technology to judges and jurors, all while protecting people's civil rights and liberties. This webinar is designed for investigators, prosecutors, crime analysts, or those investigating crimes. No high-tech background is needed!

Presented by:
Kyle Naish, Police Officer, Springdale Police Department
Kevin Branzetti, President, National Child Protection Task Force

Reconsidering a Famous Crime: What if the Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman Murders Happened in 2023?

O.J. Simpson was charged and acquitted with murdering two persons in a widely televised, 9-month jury trial, following a violent attack in June 1994. He was then found liable for their wrongful death in a later civil trail. This presentation will first provide an overview of the trial evidence and identify investigative challenges with this case. Then the presenter, an experienced former federal prosecutor who was not involved in the trials, will describe the present and emerging high technology and digital evidence that might be available if the same crime happened in 2023. The presentation will explore new ways to investigate and prosecute violent crimes and murders using a new functional approach to high technology, digital evidence, and criminal trade craft. The presentation will discuss new ways to use Internet of Things evidence, wearable fitness devices, smart homes, smartphones, identifying suspects, offender interviewing, and other potential sources of evidence for successful investigations and winning trials.

Presented by:
Steven DeBrota, Vice President, Chief Counsel, NW3C

Criminal Use of Artificial Intelligence: Case Studies and Forensic Investigative Considerations

Miami-Dade County Police Department and Middlesex County NJ Prosecutor's Office team up to look at cases involving artificial intelligence supported criminal trade craft, challenges for investigations, and digital forensic considerations. This presentation will review illustrative cases studies, technical considerations and investigative approaches applied. The webinar will also examine other potential criminal tactics techniques and procedures where support from artificial intelligence is likely to present in the future.

Webinar: Restorative Justice Reintegration and Reentry

This webinar will introduce participants to restorative justice strategies to support reintegration following incarceration. It will correspond with the publication of a white paper on Restorative Reintegration by the National Center on Restorative Justice.

Securities Fraud and Tax Fraud and Money Laundering, Oh My! - A Case Study Endeavor

Prosecutors from the New York State Attorney General's Office will go through a nationwide case study involving a near-decade long Ponzi scheme perpetrated on sophisticated investors. We will take a look at how the fraud started, and went undetected for so long, while reviewing the elements of securities fraud, tax fraud and money laundering.

Tradecraft and Value of a Public Safety Cyber Attack

The Public Safety Threat Alliance Intelligence team will walk through the most frequent and impactful attack paths observed by threat actors targeting public safety organizations around the world. Using the MITRE ATT&CK matrix, we will breakdown the tradecraft observed targeting emergency services, and detail the importance of understanding the critical steps of the kill chain. Additionally, we will unveil insights from the criminal underground to highlight what they believe are the most valuable aspects of public safety.

Breaking the Triage Myth: The importance of Time to First Evidence

Digital forensics veterans Alan McConnell and Jeff Bell will discuss the importance of triage in investigations and its role in quickly finding and prioritizing evidence in this webinar. We will get into the idea of true triage, which centers on quickly locating evidence and moving the investigation forward FAST. We will discuss some of the issues with current thoughts regarding triage and how thorough block level hashing can help solve them. True triage tools utilizing cutting-edge technologies can drastically improve case turnaround times, cut investigator time on scene, and cut costs while simultaneously clearing out evidence backlogs. We will demonstrate some of the available technologies that can facilitate your digital forensics investigations and present real-world instances of the advantages we have discussed. Come learn how to conduct more efficient investigations at this training event by employing true triage with cutting-edge technology.

The Brain Behind The Badge

Throughout your career, training is an essential part of your job which gives you the ability to react without having to "think" about what you are doing. Brain science is the reason WHY some reactions are different, and it occurs unconsciously. Why do you remember colors, smells, sounds, tastes, or textures but cannot remember how many times you fired your weapon or the exact timeline of certain events? Why does unintentional recall happen when we hear a certain noise? Why does our "thinking brain" shut down, as do many bodily functions, when we are stressed? Why do we sometimes lose the ability to put words to situations and react only with our "senses"? During this session, we will look at what actually happens in your brain and how it impacts you, your career, and your family and how you can create a plan to offset stressors and mitigate stress.

Murder 101: Evaluating Evidence for Your First Homicide Prosecution

Join us April 19 at 3pm ET for an hourlong presentation kicking off our "Murder 101" webinar series. Led by seasoned Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Kristen Kyle-Castelli, this webinar is excellent for building the skills of newer complex homicide and capital prosecutors. This presentation will help attorneys navigate evidence for their first homicide cases. Many other types of cases you have previously handled likely did not prepare you for analyzing evidence and the full spectrum of forensic testing.
