Training Delivery - Webinar

Fusion Center Peer Mentorship Program Info Session

This webinar will provide participants with an overview of the newly developed Fusion Center Peer Mentorship Program launching in June 2022. The Peer Mentorship Program seeks to promote sustainable analytic talent throughout the National Network of Fusion Centers (NNFC), enhance relationships throughout the NNFC, and improve the overall well-being and job satisfaction of fusion center analysts nationwide. This webinar will help participants learn more about mentor and mentee opportunities with the Peer Mentorship Program.

Intelligence Analysis: Asked and Answered

Join a team of experts from NW3C as they provide thoughtful and detailed answers to the intelligence analysis questions you submit. Submit questions regarding intelligence analysis skills, information collection, or general comments of analytic tradecraft and a panel of NW3C experts will provide answers during this live session.

Stress Management

Increasingly busy and ever-changing lives cause a lot of stress. Stress is mental tension caused by demanding, taxing, or burdensome circumstances. Stress doesnt just affect mental states and mood; it affects physical health as well. That is why it is so important to practice stress management to keep minds and bodies healthy. Stress management consists of making changes if often experiencing stressful situations, preventing stress by practicing self-care and relaxation, and managing responses to stressful situations when they do occur.

NLERSP Webinar - Emergency Vehicle Technology: Leveraging Advances to Improve Officer Safety

In 2021, law enforcement experienced a 38% increase in roadway-related fatalities from 2020. Alarmingly, this increase was driven in part by a 100% increase in struck-by fatalities, with 28 officers killed – the highest ever recorded (NLEOMF, 2022). Reducing injuries and fatalities from officer-involved collisions and struck-by incidents must be a top priority for all law enforcement professionals in 2022 to reverse these sobering trends.

Financial Crime Investigations: Asked and Answered

Join a team of experts from NW3C as they provide thoughtful and detailed answers to financial investigation questions you submit. Click here to submit questions regarding financial crimes, financial analysis and What else? a panel of NW3C experts will provide answers during this live session.

Understanding the Dark Web

The dark web has the star quality and luster of a Hollywood movie, but in reality, it's a den of inequity operated by the technically sophisticated. The more "Googleized" we've become as investigators and researchers, the less we understand what's going on behind the scenes and how to operate in this nefarious world.

This webinar will examine the dark web, the channels used to institute private sales and exchanges, and criminal behavior. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the dark web--criminality, anonymity, counterfeit products, child pornography, and human trafficking; learn the directory structures of the dark web; and learn dark web languages like Tor and Tails and the lingo of this underworld. Training will include exploring dark web channels for content and finding the resources and specialized search engines for searching against dark web content. Field investigators will understand how to use Tor safely and effectively, while learning the vulnerabilities, and be able to conduct undercover online investigations on the dark web.

NLERSP Webinar - Vehicle Pursuits: Considerations for Improving Officer and Public Safety

Vehicle pursuits pose significant risk of harm to not only the officers and subjects involved, but to every other person traveling on or near the roadways. While some pursuits may be unavoidable, law enforcement must recognize these risks and take action to reduce the possibility of harm. This webinar will explore data on police vehicle pursuits and discuss how policies, technology, and changes in organizational leadership and culture can increase safety for law enforcement officers and communities.

Webinar: Top Resources for Occupational, Nutritional, and Personal Wellness in 2022

Having resources readily available allows you to be successful in wellness! During January's wellness webinar, we discussed top resources for physical, financial, and family wellness. During this webinar, top industry presenters will give you their favorite go-to resources on occupational, nutritional, and personal wellness. We will round out our discussion with additional information on a FREE wellness app that includes many great resources for you, your family, and your agency. Join us and continue to kick off your 2022 wellness with a bang!

Webinar: Handling Informants

There are various ways to gain evidence for investigations whether they are proactive or reactive investigations. Informants prove a vital way to obtain evidence and information for your investigations. Handling Informants and their motivations requires a skillset in dealing with them in your investigations. This webinar will go over how to use informants for your investigations, how to document their information, negate defense arguments and be more efficient. We will discuss motivations, history and how to avoid pitfalls and mistakes.

Webinar: Top Resources for Physical, Financial, and Family Wellness in 2022

Having resources readily available allows you to be successful in wellness! A few of your favorite presenters will give you their top go-to resources on physical, financial, and family wellness. We will round out our discussion by introducing a FREE wellness app that includes all of the resources discussed in the webinar and much, much more. Join us and kick off your 2022 wellness with a bang!
