Training Delivery - Webinar

Webinar - The Art of Crisis Leadership

Crises cost time, money, customers, and careers (usually in that order), as well as, in the worst of scenarios, lives. Whether a data breach, social media attack, bad press, litigation, investigation, civil unrest, or scandal, great leaders understand how to be predictive and create organizational muscle memory.

Webinar - San Francisco DA’s Office Victim Services Division

The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys is partnering with the National Center for Victims of Crime and the San Francisco, California District Attorney's Office (SFDA) to offer a webinar on SFDA’s Victim Services Division. The mission of the SFDA Victim Services Division is to help victims of crime mitigate their trauma, navigate the criminal justice system, and rebuild their lives.

Webinar - Capital Litigation Improvement Project: Victim-Counsel Coordination Part I

The first in the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys’ Capital Litigation Improvement Project Webinar Series features presenter Dan Levey of the Arizona Crime Victims Rights Law Group. In “Victim-Counsel Coordination Part I,” Mr. Levey will share his personal and professional experiences on the subject of victims in capital litigation, shedding light on the strengths, as well as the gaps, of the system.

Digital and Multimedia Forensics: The Impact of Disturbing Media

Within the law enforcement and digital forensics communities, people will say, “What do they expect? It’s part of the job – they should be able to handle it.” However, technology has changed the type of evidence that is now processed in criminal cases, with more audio, video, and image evidence of the actual crime itself than ever before. In addition, almost every criminal investigation involves more than one form of digital evidence.

Webinar - Thinking for a Change: Expanding & Collaborating on a Cognitive Behavioral Program for Probation

Learn how the Maricopa County, Arizona Adult Probation Department successfully expanded its implementation of Thinking for a Change (a cognitive behavioral intervention program with the National Institute of Corrections) through collaboration with external treatment providers who utilized Medicaid to pay for services. This webinar will focus on how they were able to implement evidence-based practices with fidelity, integrity, and continued quality improvement.

The webinar will cover:

Webinar - Emergency Medical Services as Partners in Early Diversion Strategies

Emergency medical services (EMS) can be essential partners in early diversion responses for individuals in crisis. This webinar will focus on the ways that fire departments and EMS can be partners with behavioral health providers and other first responders on early diversion initiatives. Medical clearance will also be explored as part of this webinar.

Hosted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Gather, Assess, Integrate, Network, and Stimulate Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation.

Webinar - Strategies for Collaborative Early Diversion Encounters

Many early diversion strategies rely upon cooperation between law enforcement officers and mental health professionals to manage crisis encounters. However, on-scene cooperation depends on stakeholder collaboration and clear protocols for how to handle a variety of situations. This webinar will spotlight jurisdictions that have established effective joint responses to mental health crises and provide participants with guidance for their own communities.

Webinar - Improving Job Readiness and Retention for Higher Risk Populations

For the overwhelming majority of people in federal and state prisons who will eventually reenter the community, finding employment plays a critical role in preventing recidivism. That said, it is not strictly job placement services that can make the difference between reincarceration and successful reentry; ensuring people who are returning to communities from incarceration have the skills to not only find, but also retain, jobs is also key.
