Training Delivery - Webinar

Webinar - From Child Welfare to the Juvenile Justice System: Disrupting the Abuse to Prison Pipeline For Girls

This webinar will examine how experiences of gendered violence create pathways for girls into the juvenile justice system, with an emphasis on crossover from the child welfare system into the juvenile justice system and how girls in the child welfare system are more susceptible to sexual exploitation.

Webinar - Staffing 9-1-1 Centers in the Era of NG9-1-1

Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) can provide different kinds of information to public safety agencies. Ultimately, it is a community decision to pay for technologies and staffing to support NG9-1-1 applications designed to meet community needs.

The gradual adoption of NG9-1-1 information technologies will require Public Safety Answering Points to collect and analyze data that measure staff workload and performance. Accurate current workload information will be important for determining how much additional staff time may be needed to handle work generated by NG9-1-1 capabilities.

Webinar - Computer Forensics for Prosecutors

Digital evidence is pervasive in today’s criminal trials, making it imperative that prosecutors understand the intricacies of computer forensics in order to try and win cases. This presentation covers the fundamentals of computer forensics and discusses the many forensic artifacts that are useful to prove up a variety of criminal charges.

COAP Webinar Series: The Opioid Crisis and Its Growing Impact on First Responder Health and Wellness

First responders such as law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services (EMS) professionals provide life-saving services all day, every day. However, the nature of their work puts them in constant risk – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Compounding an already stressful job, first responders face the front lines of the opioid crisis and are being profoundly affected by it.

The Essential Role of Juvenile Diversion

In 2016, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention began awarding grants to states seeking to revamp their juvenile diversion policies and practices, with the goal of reducing formal system contact, improving youth outcomes, and reducing racial and ethnic disparities. In this webinar, presenters will share lessons learned from this and other juvenile diversion improvement initiatives, including:

Webinar - The Top 10 Reasons to Start a Police Homeless Outreach Team

Un-arresting away homelessness in your community through the development of a homeless outreach team is one of the hottest trends in policing today. If your agency continues to struggle with more questions than answers about effective responses to homelessness, consider the top 10 reasons why you should start a homeless outreach team.

Homelessness is expensive. Each chronically homeless person on the streets of your community consumes up to $30,000 annually in public resources (such as jail stays and emergency room visits).

Applying the Americans with Disabilities Act to Arrests and Prosecutions

Police and prosecutors routinely encounter people with mental illness and developmental disabilities. Unfortunately, there is frequently some confusion about how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) interfaces with these encounters. This webinar will review the ADA, describe how the law applies to arrests and prosecution, and provide suggestions to law enforcement and prosecutors on how to best implement solutions.

Webinar - MAT Medication Diversion Brief

As criminal justice agencies grapple with the impacts of the opioid epidemic, an increasing number of correctional facilities are using medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in order to initiate or maintain treatment among individuals experiencing opioid use disorders. Despite the potential for MAT to reduce recidivism and overdose fatalities, many jails and prisons are reluctant to allow individuals to be on MAT medications due to diversion concerns.
