
Cognitive Interviewing, Communication & Influence (Jul 2019)

This course introduces the art of cognitive interviewing using neuro-linguistic programming techniques. Students learn how to interview suspects, witnesses, and victims more effectively, as well as to observe brain-based deception behavior in both face-to-face and virtual communications. Topics include influence and persuasion with difficult witnesses and suspects, interpretation of body language for deceit and truthfulness, and best practices for testimony and reframing cross-examination.

Cognitive Interviewing, Communication & Influence (Apr 2019)

This course introduces the art of cognitive interviewing using neuro-linguistic programming techniques. Students learn how to interview suspects, witnesses, and victims more effectively, as well as to observe brain-based deception behavior in both face-to-face and virtual communications. Topics include influence and persuasion with difficult witnesses and suspects, interpretation of body language for deceit and truthfulness, and best practices for testimony and reframing cross-examination.

Webinar - Supporting Children of Incarcerated Parents in School

This webinar will focus on the needs of children who have a parent who is incarcerated. The presenters will concentrate on how schools and school personnel can support the child, his/her caregiver, and parent in a positive manner.

Applying for BJA's Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant: What You Need to Know

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program 2019 Competitive Grant has been announced! Join Gregory Torain, BJA Policy Advisor, for a webinar to review the fiscal year 2019 solicitation guidelines. He will provide a detailed explanation of the application requirements and will be available to answer specific questions.

Blockchain Tracing: Cryptocurrency Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Investigation Workshop

This webinar on CipherTrace cryptocurrency anti-money laundering and financial investigation provides hands-on instruction on blockchain and blockchain tracing. Attendees will learn a risk-based approach to tracing sources of blockchain funds and de-anonymizing cryptocurrency transactions with cryptocurrency forensic tools. They will develop and hone digital forensic investigation techniques. The course will equip participants with an understanding of cryptocurrency fundamentals and the specific understanding of tracing cryptocurrency transactions. The webinar is designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of blockchain forensic investigations by explaining how to best leverage tools and resources to reduce investigation time and improve information yield. CipherTrace provides the infrastructure to enable secure, verifiable, and legal commerce for cryptocurrency markets.

Removing Your Personal Identifying Information

Everyone is at risk for identity theft, online and physical stalking, and harassment. Beyond social media, your public records are for sale, so your home address and assets are easily located through simple online searches. This course provides a thorough description of how and where your data is stored and how to remove it.

Leveraging Partnerships and Avoiding Multiagency Pitfalls

Have you ever wished that everyone was in the same boat as you, and more importantly, rowing in the same direction? Today people live in a global society that consists of various teams and departments working with and against each other. People face individual and institutional challenges that sometimes inhibit their ability to succeed. Investigations today comprise public and private entities, investigators from different departments, attorneys, and others that can impact your investigation or goals. This webinar will teach students the art of leverage and how to maintain, develop, and execute partnerships that will provide long-term success. True success comes when you are able to maintain partnerships and rely on each other for that success. This webinar will provide students with strategies used by some of the most successful Fortune 500 companies. Students will be able to implement these strategies directly to their teams and their investigations. This webinar will give them insight on how to develop relationships and leverage people in order to be more efficient and provide them with lasting success.

DF201 Intermediate Digital Forensic Analysis: Automated Forensic Tools (May 2019, Florida)

This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to perform a limited digital forensic examination, validate hardware and software tools, and effectively use digital forensic suites and specialized tools. The course begins with a detailed review of the digital forensic examination process, including documentation, case management, evidence handling, validation, and virtualization. Students learn to use today's leading commercial and open source digital forensic suites: Magnet Axiom, X-ways Forensic, and Autopsy. Instruction on each suite will include an interface overview, configuration, hashing, file signature analysis, keyword searching, data carving, bookmarking, and report creation. 

DF310 Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis: Windows (May 2019, Iowa)

This course covers the identification and extraction of artifacts associated with the Microsoft Windows operating system. Topics include the Change Journal, BitLocker, and a detailed examination of the various artifacts found in each of the Registry hive files. Students also examine Event Logs, Volume Shadow Copies, link files, and thumbnails. This course uses a mixture of lecture, discussion, demonstration, and hands-on exercises.
