Law Enforcement

Webinar - Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police Department Networks of Criminals (NOC) Youth Offender Program

This webinar will present the Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police Department’s novel and integrated Networks of Criminals (NOC) approach. This analytic approach integrates criminal history data, threat intelligence, and social network analysis to identify youth offenders that are believed to be substantially impacting motor vehicle and robbery trends. This unique, three-dimensional approach is a foundation for collaboration between crime analysts and investigative officers.

Webinar - Opioid Addiction Screening and Assessment for People in the Criminal Justice System

This webinar will focus on best practices for screening and assessment of people in the criminal justice system who have opioid addictions. Dr. Roger Peters of the University of South Florida will review available screening and assessment instruments, cover instrument selection, and discuss specific considerations for identifying and assessing people who have opioid addictions. Dr.

IA 101 - Foundations of Intelligence Analysis Training (Aug 6 2018)

This course addresses the critical need for well-trained intelligence analysts to interpret growing amounts of information. This introductory course covers the history and purpose of intelligence analysis, the intelligence cycle, analytical thinking skills, and the importance of strategic analysis. The course was developed by a consortium that included the National White Collar Crime Center, Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit, the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis, and the Regional Information Sharing System.

Webinar - Overlaying Digital Intelligence and Ballistics Technology to Enhance Investigations

Today’s investigations into violent crimes, especially gun-related crimes, have become more time-consuming due to factors including increases in the sources and quantities of digital and ballistics evidence. These new investigative challenges are stretching small and large departments alike. To solve these increasingly complex cases, law enforcement agencies are overlaying innovative technologies that help investigators gather and analyze both physical and digital evidence more effectively and with greater efficiency.

Webinar - Integration of Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Spatial Analysis (GIS)

This webinar will discuss two social network analysis (SNA) projects that the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Department (PD) undertook. The first project examined the extent of shared connections among shooting victims through network analysis; in particular, the analysis examined cross-divisional connections by combining the network analysis and geographic information systems (GIS). The second project applied SNA to understand connections among gangs at the group-level across the city.

NW3C-FC 151 - The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA-WB)

This course presents awareness-level information on the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and how it is used to aid law enforcement investigations into terrorism and criminal activity. Students will be introduced to the BSA, the USA PATRIOT Act, and definitions of commonly used terms. This course will also explain the various documents and forms filed by financial institutions under the BSA. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network will be discussed, with an emphasis on services and resources provided to law enforcement.

Webinar - New Orleans Police Department’s Ethical Policing Is Courageous Program

Ethical Policing Is Courageous (EPIC) is a program developed by the New Orleans, Louisiana Police Department (NOPD) in an effort to educate and support its officers in the practice of peer intervention. Through EPIC, NOPD trains members of its department to identify and safely intervene when they believe that persons are at risk for doing something that would harm themselves and/or others. This peer approach to “policing” one another has proved effective for NOPD in preventing harm and promoting officer wellness.

NW3C-FC 122 - Intellectual Property Theft Training

From baby formula to auto parts, criminals counterfeit all kinds of products. This one-day training is a real “eye-opener” for investigators and prosecutors about the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products. In response to the serious threat of counterfeit products and other types of intellectual property (IP) crime, the National White Collar Crime Center and the National Association of Attorneys General are providing training to state and local law enforcement in the area of IP crime.
