Juvenile Justice Agencies

Justice Innovation in Times of Change: New Challenges, New Opportunities

On September 30, 2016, the Center for Court Innovation, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Quinnipiac University School of Law, will host "Justice Innovation in Times of Change: New Challenges, New Opportunities" at the Quinnipiac University School of Law, located at 370 Bassett Road in North Haven, CT.  

TCAP: Tribal Court Conference - Exploring Emerging Issues In Tribal Court

This conference serves to provide information to tribal court personnel about issues that have arisen in Indian Country. This conference supports the enhancement of tribal court adjudication and operations.

Criminal Justice Technology Forecasting Group Meeting #4

RAND plans to conduct the fourth in-person meeting of the Criminal Justice Technology Forecasting Group. This meeting will focus on addressing the top two topics for follow-on research from prior CJTFG meetings: identifying the most promising emerging technologies for sharing and using information, and determining top business cases for sharing information across the criminal justice enterprise.

"Not on My Watch!": Protecting Your Client and Challenging the State in Juvenile and Adult Court

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the Georgia Public Defender Council are planning a two-day training program in Macon, Georgia, to target the underserved area of southwest Georgia. Public defense providers, including institutionally employed defenders and those who do public defense via court appointment, are welcome to attend. The program will have a dual track on the first day, with juvenile and adult topics, and the second day will be comprised of "crossover" topics for both adult and juvenile defenders.

13th Annual National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children Conference: Saving Children, Saving Families, Saving Communities

The National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children (DEC) will be convening October 25-27, 2016, at the Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa in Reno, Nevada for their 13th Annual Conference. The agenda they are planning, the partners who will be participating, the experienced practitioners who will be attending, and the venue, all promise to make it a great conference! Those of you who have attended National DEC's annual conference in years past know that there is much to learn, do, and see at the conference.

Addressing the Housing Needs of Youth and Young Adults in Contact with the Justice System

Hosted by the National Reentry Resource Center and the Coalition for Juvenile Justice, with funding support from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

26th Annual Problem-Oriented Policing Conference


26th Annual Problem-Oriented Policing Conference

October 24-26, 2016
Mission Palms Hotel and Conference Center
Tempe, Arizona

Sponsored by
The Center for Problem-Oriented Policing

Hosted by
Tempe Police Department and the Arizona State University School of Criminology and Criminal Justice

National Gang Center - Advanced Gang Training Investigations - Little Rock, AR

The Advanced Gang Investigations training provides insight into techniques to investigate gang crimes and advanced tools for gang investigations, including information regarding how to integrate intelligence analysis and crime analysis. The training is designed to offer flexibility based on the needs of the law enforcement agencies in the geographical area where the training is being offered. The training provides awareness of existing tools, resources, and guidelines for gang investigators.
