General Public

Webinar - Mobile MAT in Practice

To address the national opioid crisis, communities across the country are using medication-assisted treatment (MAT), a practice which pairs Food and Drug Administration-approved medications with non-drug therapies such as counseling or cognitive behavioral therapy. Employing a “whole patient” approach, MAT is an effective and nationally recognized intervention to treat opioid abuse. 

Introduction to the Enhanced Juvenile Justice Guidelines Webinar

In 2005, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) published the Juvenile Delinquency Guidelines: Improving Court Practice in Juvenile Delinquency Cases (JDG). Over the years, the JDG has served as the guidepost for juvenile courts across the country. The JDG identifies the essential elements of effective juvenile justice procedures and describes recommended practice.

Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP) Resource Center Webinar Series: Handle With Care

This webinar will showcase innovative best practices to mitigate the negative effects experienced by children exposed to trauma—including an arrest or incident related to opioid use—and will highlight the Handle With Care initiative. This promising initiative partners schools and childcare agencies, law enforcement, and treatment providers to promote safe and supportive homes, schools, and communities with the goals of protecting children and helping traumatized children heal and thrive.

Webinar - The Changing Nature of Crime and Criminal Investigations

Crime is evolving rapidly, creating new challenges for law enforcement agencies. By using computers, communications platforms, and other technologies, criminals commit crimes that were unheard of a decade or two ago, while also finding different ways to commit traditional crimes. For law enforcement agencies to keep up in this new environment, they must change their approach to criminal investigations. Physical evidence and witness statements are no longer sufficient in many cases.

Webinar - Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Outpatient Clinics: Using Behavioral Telehealth

The Bureau of Justice Assistance leadership, in collaboration with the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program team, will host a no-cost webinar on November 28, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. ET.

This session will highlight lessons learned from six medication-assisted treatment clinics in Florida by Operation PAR, Inc., which instituted the use of videoconferencing to enhance and expand service delivery. Videoconferencing refers to providing assessment, treatment, and recovery services online.

Panelists will discuss:

National Center for Victims of Crime

The National Center for Victims of Crime (NCFVOC) is a nonprofit organization that advocates for victims' rights, trains professionals who work with victims, and serves as a trusted source of information on victims' issues. After more than 25 years, NCFVOC remains the most comprehensive national resource committed to advancing victims' rights and helping victims of crime rebuild their lives.

Learning from Error in Criminal Justice: A Sentinel Events Approach

In criminal justice, a “sentinel event” is a bad outcome that might include a death in custody, routine police encounter that escalates to violence, mishandling of evidence, wrongful conviction, or “near miss,” in which a negative event is narrowly avoided. Too often, the criminal justice system fails to learn from these bad outcomes. Drawing inspiration from aviation, medicine, and other high-risk fields, the Sentinel Events Initiative (SEI) takes an alternative approach.

Webinar - Introducing the Public Safety Risk Assessment Clearinghouse

The Public Safety Risk Assessment Clearinghouse (PSRAC), developed in partnership between the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center (Urban), is a new, one-stop online resource for comprehensive and accessible information on risk assessment for safer communities.
