Corrections Professionals

FY 2018 Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Funding Opportunities for State, Local, and Tribal Agencies and TTA Providers

This webinar will introduce the fiscal year 2018 funding opportunities offered through two solicitations, including a new grant program that provides direct assistance for state, local, and tribal justice agencies and jurisdictions to develop, implement, and test data-driven and evidence-based responses to high-cost drivers of crime and other compelling public safety challenges. The presenters will also discuss the related funding opportunity available to training and technical assistance providers.

National Center for Victims of Crime

The National Center for Victims of Crime (NCFVOC) is a nonprofit organization that advocates for victims' rights, trains professionals who work with victims, and serves as a trusted source of information on victims' issues. After more than 25 years, NCFVOC remains the most comprehensive national resource committed to advancing victims' rights and helping victims of crime rebuild their lives.

Webinar - Introducing the Public Safety Risk Assessment Clearinghouse

The Public Safety Risk Assessment Clearinghouse (PSRAC), developed in partnership between the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center (Urban), is a new, one-stop online resource for comprehensive and accessible information on risk assessment for safer communities.

Webinar - SOAR: A Reentry Tool for Individuals Involved in the Criminal Justice System

The Social Security Administration disability benefit programs – Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – can provide income and health insurance benefits to support healthy return to communities for previously incarcerated individuals who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder. SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) is a model that can help.

Webinar - Legal Issues in Today’s Jail: Use of Force

The use of force is one of the leading areas of litigation in corrections. Understanding and articulating the legal requirements is critical in determining whether the force was objectively reasonable (pretrial inmates) or was applied in a good faith effort to maintain and restore order (convicted inmates). This webinar will review the leading Supreme Court decisions in the area of use of force, focusing on the report writing instrument used by both the deputy involved in the force and also as a tool in reviewing the use of force regardless of the inmate’s status.

Webinar - How Data Analytics Improve Agency & Facility Management

Can you be a more effective leader, and a better decisionmaker, with readily accessible data? The information challenges presented to agency and facility management, as well as the broader justice and public safety community including pretrial and probation departments, vary greatly but can all be solved through technology. 

Join the DXC Eclipse team as they walk through challenge scenarios you may be running into at your agency or correctional facility.  Learn how to solve them through the use of data analytics, reporting and business intelligence (BI).

Webinar - Reducing the Risk of Opioid Overdose - MAT Reentry Programs

Individuals exiting prisons and jails have an increased likelihood of opioid overdose. Some corrections systems have chosen to address this risk through the use of reentry programs that incorporate medication-assisted treatment (MAT). While a range of Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program site-based projects are tackling the opioid epidemic by focusing on the front end of the criminal justice system (for example, through the roles of first responders), several teams are focusing on improving jail- and prison-related strategies.

IASAP Drug Abuse Detection: Shiprock, NM

Review the seven-step approach to drug influence and identification, which includes pulse, horizontal gaze nystagmus, vertical nystagmus, lack of convergence, pupillary comparison, pupil reaction, and Romberg stand. Gain understanding in how the eyes react to drug influence and the effects on the central nervous system. Practice what you have learned using hands-on activities. As a law enforcement or parole/probation officer, you will gain the skills you need to recognize impairment caused by the most abused drugs or alcohol in Indian Country.

NW3C-FC 151 - The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA-WB)

This course presents awareness-level information on the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and how it is used to aid law enforcement investigations into terrorism and criminal activity. Students will be introduced to the BSA, the USA PATRIOT Act, and definitions of commonly used terms. This course will also explain the various documents and forms filed by financial institutions under the BSA. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network will be discussed, with an emphasis on services and resources provided to law enforcement.
