Corrections Professionals

American Probation and Parole Association 2019 44th Annual Training Institute

The theme for this summer’s training institute is, "Passion, Courage, and Endurance: Transforming Community Corrections." The adult and juvenile justice systems are experiencing significant and powerful change driven by justice reform and innovative practices focused on promoting public safety in a more fair, just, and effective manner. America’s ever-changing landscape poses challenges and opportunities to incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion in justice system program development, culturally competent and trauma-informed service delivery, and organizational change.

Webinar - Fact and Myths: Health Care Employment Opportunities for People with Criminal Records

Health care is one of the fastest-growing employment sectors in the country, with the demand for qualified workers greatly exceeding supply in many areas. But people who have criminal records are often unable to enter or advance within this relatively high-paying sector due to a complex web of legal barriers that make jobs and licenses difficult or impossible to obtain.

Webinar - Innovative Programming for Veterans in the Criminal Justice System

Veterans who are incarcerated have unique needs for services, which often include behavioral health treatment. In response, some correctional facilities have developed programming tailored for veterans in their facilities and have curated partnerships with justice programs in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' Veterans Health Administration to better serve them.

Webinar - Trauma-Informed Jails: Incorporating Wellness for Deputies

According to the Office of Justice Programs, levels of stress in the correctional environment are some of the highest occupational levels anywhere. Several studies have identified implications like significant elevations in behavioral and somatic healthcare problems, unscheduled absences, low productivity, high levels of burnout and staff turnover, the impact on safe operations, and the financial costs associated with all of these factors.

Fostering Hope and Healing - Role of Resource Parents in Supporting Family Recovery and Family Reunification in Family Treatment Courts

In this webinar, presenters will explore the important role of resource parents in supporting the family recovery and reunification process. Presenters will share their experiences in engaging resource parents in critical activities, including facilitating quality and frequent family time, co-parenting with the birth parent, and providing a trauma-informed approach. Additional technical assistance resources, including a pre-recorded video presentation, team discussion guide, and “Take Action” guides will also be provided to enhance learning.

BJA FY 2019 Swift, Certain, Fair Grant Webinar

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) will host an informational webinar on May 17, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. ET to provide information for state, local, and tribal jurisdictions that are interested in implementing a Swift, Certain, and Fair Supervision Program Model through the BJA solicitation titled, “FY 2019 Innovative Responses to Behavior in the Community: Swift, Certain, and Fair Supervision.”

Mindfulness in Domestic Violence Work: Working with Victims (Part I)

Although utilizing trauma-informed principles is a beneficial tool when successfully serving clients who are victims of domestic violence and sexual violence, going a step further by being mindful will get you that much further with this population. This webinar will examine why being self-aware of our own judgments, beliefs and attitudes is so important in our work with victims. More importantly, it is this awareness that could have a profound impact on our work within this field – it could be the difference between life or death for the victims we serve.

Self-Care for Justice Professionals

This webinar will begin by discussing the impact that trauma work has on the brain and body and present interventions that a person can do to mitigate these effects. The presentation will also discuss the personality types that are drawn to trauma work and working with other people’s trauma, and the self-care interventions appropriate for them. The webinar will end with guidance on developing a personalized self-care plan.

Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC)

TASC, Inc. (Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities), is a not-for-profit organization that provides health recovery management services for individuals with substance use and mental health disorders. Since 1976, the organization has provided and/or facilitated access to community-based treatment and recovery support services for individuals who are involved in public systems such as criminal and juvenile justice, corrections, child welfare, public aid, and public housing.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • BJA Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance Program - Corrections & Community Engagement
  • CHJ First Responder Partnerships (CHJ-FRP) TTA Initiative
  • CHJ First Responder Partnerships TTA Initiative (CHJ-FRP)
