Corrections Professionals

IACP Project Safe Neighborhoods: Characteristics of Armed Persons Delaware-Maryland Training

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), in collaboration with the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Executive Office of U.S. Attorney’s, the United States Attorney’s Office District of Delaware, the United States Attorney’s Office District of Maryland, and the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network, present the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Characteristics of Armed Persons training event.

Vera Institute of Justice Webinar - Protecting the Fair Housing Rights of People with Criminal Records

Millions of Americans—a disproportionate number of whom are people of color—have criminal records that can be a barrier to housing. In celebration of National Reentry Week, the Shriver Center and the Vera Institute of Justice will host a webinar on April 28, 2016, on fair housing rights for people with criminal records. 

Treating Men with Substance Use Disorders

This 2:00 p.m. ET webinar will focus on the special challenges in treating male inmates. Specifically, it will focus on the role their self-definitions of masculinity plays in substance abuse treatment. Masculinity ideologies not only affect how many males think and feel about themselves but influence how they behave.  If not considered by therapists, it may compromise the RSAT substance abuse treatment program.   

Reducing the Use of Segregation in Correctional Facilities: Lessons from the Field/ Webinar # 1: Using Assessment to Drive Reform

This is the first in a series of webinars presented by the Vera Institute of Justice’s Safe Alternatives to Segregation Initiative. The purpose of the series is to highlight reforms to segregated housing (also referred to as restrictive housing or solitary confinement) being implemented by corrections agencies across the country. 

BJA Webinar - The Price of Justice: Rethinking the Consequences of Justice Fines and Fees Funding Opportunity

 This webinar will provide an overview of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) “The Price of Justice: Rethinking the Consequences of Justice Fines and Fees” funding opportunity. Potential applicants will have an opportunity to learn about the background and key concepts of this funding opportunity, and the requirements of the solicitation. The goal of this program is to encourage and disseminate best practices for coordinated and appropriate justice systems responses due to justice-involved individuals’ inability to pay fines, fees, and related charges.

Taking the Next Steps toward Integrated Recidivism Reduction and Treatment Planning for Individuals with Co-Occurring Disorders

This 2:00 p.m. ET webinar will discuss criminogenic risk and needs and behavioral health, as well as best practices for the integration of information about criminogenic risk, substance use, and mental disorders into treatment plans. Innovative programs, such as MISSION-Criminal Justice, will be highlighted as one example of a framework for behavioral health reentry programming that has aimed to address criminogenic risk factors with a behavioral health and trauma-informed lens.

Police/Community Trust: Local and National Perspectives (Jan 2016)

This webinar will describe in detail the reasons for the extraordinarily successful police/community trust initiative in Watts, California. Specifically: why the police were bought in; why the community was bought in; what resources it took to sustain the effort; and requisite structural changes, e.g. in police training and evaluation. The National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice will focus on the community perspective.

TCU Mapping-Enhanced Counseling (TMEC)

This 2:00 p.m. ET webinar will introduce you to TCU Mapping-Enhanced Counseling (TMEC) and show you some ideas about how to use it. The TCU/IBR Website ( contains the references, abstracts and other free downloadable manuals that will help you incorporate TMEC into your program. TMEC evolved from earlier work on graphic representation to improve the communication and thinking of teachers and students. The success of visual approaches, in particular node-link mapping, in education led to applications in counseling starting in 1989.

Regional Training #3: Effective Strategies for Supervising Specialized Offender Populations

Promote healing, enhance public safety, and reduce recidivism in your role as a tribal probation officer. During this training, you will explore strengths-based supervision strategies and case management skills for the following populations on probation: probationers with mental illness, alcohol and substance abuse addiction, and domestic violence offenses. Engage in a variety of activities to enhance your ability to effectively case manage high risk populations. Examine strategies for multi-disciplinary team building to support tribal probation.

Regional Training #2: Effective Strategies for Supervising Specialized Offender Populations

Promote healing, enhance public safety, and reduce recidivism in your role as a tribal probation officer. During this training, you will explore strengths-based supervision strategies and case management skills for the following populations on probation: probationers with mental illness, alcohol and substance abuse addiction, and domestic violence offenses. Engage in a variety of activities to enhance your ability to effectively case manage high risk populations. Examine strategies for multi-disciplinary team building to support tribal probation.
