
Trauma-Informed Advocacy in the Time of a Pandemic

The world has changed, and ways of life have been put on hold. These are truly trying and difficult times for so many people. Tribal domestic violence advocates are struggling to find their footing and respond as best they can under the circumstances, given the lack of resources and tribal infrastructures as well as an increase in domestic violence. Indigenous people and Tribal Nations experience multiple levels of trauma, including Historical Trauma. All this contributes to the response to the current pandemic.

Webinar - Psychological Survival in a Violent Career

Law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, crime scene investigators, and others are frequently exposed to human tragedy on a regular basis, yet few have purposely developed a coping strategy for dealing with this repeated exposure. These concepts also apply to those who are affected by secondary traumatization such as crime scene investigators, attorneys, and others who are in frequent contact with images or information regarding gruesome acts of violence.

Webinar Learning Objectives:

Webinar: Trauma-Informed Supervision Series - Part #2: The Long Reach of Intergenerational Trauma: Connecting the Dots

Learn more about trauma-informed supervision strategies when working with clients during this three-part webinar series.

Part #2: "The Long Reach of Intergenerational Trauma: Connecting the Dots"

  • Discuss who trauma impacts and how it presents within the U.S. population.
  • Obtain a deeper understanding about intergenerational trauma, including through the lens of World War II survivors, as told by Viktor Frankl.
  • Examine the link between trauma and criminal behavior.

Webinar: Trauma-Informed Supervision Series - Part #1

Learn more about trauma-informed supervision strategies when working with clients during this three-part webinar series.

Part #1: "What is Trauma?"

  • Define trauma and what it means to be trauma-informed.
  • Explore how stress and trauma impact the brain and the primary areas of the brain involved with responses to stress.
  • Review various types of trauma to consider when working with clients (i.e., intergenerational, childhood, and complex trauma).

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) is a key partner of law enforcement in resolving cases regarding missing and exploited children, including cases related to child pornography (CP).

Webinar - The NCMEC Safeguard Program: A Model for Developing Your Resiliency Program

This webinar will discuss the steps necessary to support a healthy staff environment from the initial employment interview process, through training, employment, end of employment, and post-employment follow-up. A combination of research and case examples support the presentation.

  • Technical Level: Basic.
  • The following are encouraged to attend: detectives, forensic interviewers, sexual assault nurse examiners, victim advocates, juvenile court personnel, prosecutors, and other child-serving professionals.

Attend this webinar to:
