Tribal Justice

Join the Native American Rights Fund for the webinar “Project ChildSafe®” on Wednesday, September 12 at 2:00 p.m. ET. During this webinar, participants will learn about Project ChildSafe®, a grant program that provides free gun locks and firearm safety literature to law enforcement and health organizations to distribute in their communities.

Webinar - Project ChildSafe®

The Bureau of Justice Assistance, in partnership with the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the Native American Rights Fund, announced a webinar session on Project ChildSafe®, a grant program that makes free gun locks and firearms safety information, including information on suicide prevention, available to tribal law enforcement and health organizations, for distribution in their communities. Learn more about the program and how to access these materials for your community.

IASAP Drug Abuse Detection: Shiprock, NM

Review the seven-step approach to drug influence and identification, which includes pulse, horizontal gaze nystagmus, vertical nystagmus, lack of convergence, pupillary comparison, pupil reaction, and Romberg stand. Gain understanding in how the eyes react to drug influence and the effects on the central nervous system. Practice what you have learned using hands-on activities. As a law enforcement or parole/probation officer, you will gain the skills you need to recognize impairment caused by the most abused drugs or alcohol in Indian Country.

NW3C-FC 151 - The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA-WB)

This course presents awareness-level information on the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and how it is used to aid law enforcement investigations into terrorism and criminal activity. Students will be introduced to the BSA, the USA PATRIOT Act, and definitions of commonly used terms. This course will also explain the various documents and forms filed by financial institutions under the BSA. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network will be discussed, with an emphasis on services and resources provided to law enforcement.

NW3C-FC 122 - Intellectual Property Theft Training

From baby formula to auto parts, criminals counterfeit all kinds of products. This one-day training is a real “eye-opener” for investigators and prosecutors about the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products. In response to the serious threat of counterfeit products and other types of intellectual property (IP) crime, the National White Collar Crime Center and the National Association of Attorneys General are providing training to state and local law enforcement in the area of IP crime.

NW3C-FC 122 - Intellectual Property Theft Training (Sept 2018)

From baby formula to auto parts, criminals counterfeit all kinds of products. This one-day training is a real “eye-opener” for investigators and prosecutors about the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products. In response to the serious threat of counterfeit products and other types of intellectual property (IP) crime, the National White Collar Crime Center and the National Association of Attorneys General are providing training to state and local law enforcement in the area of IP crime.

NW3C-FC 122 - Intellectual Property Theft Training (May 16 2018)

This course introduces the problem of intellectual property (IP) theft and provides tools, techniques, and resources for investigating and prosecuting these crimes. A combination of lecture, discussion, and interactive exercises illustrates the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products, as well as best practices and techniques for investigating IP theft. Students are provided with a state-specific workbook that includes relevant statutes, sample organizational documents for IP investigations, and additional resources for investigators and prosecutors.

ISIS Tactics: Bombs, Drones and Kids: What Every Cop Needs to Know

The landscape of terrorist attacks has changed, the frequency of attacks has increased, and the targets are anywhere or anyone. Cops play a crucial role, as they are positioned to be the first and last line of defense. This webinar will take a look at ISIS tactics; the people committing acts of terrorism; intelligence collection before, during, and after an event; training; and event preparation. The webinar will look at how ISIS is convincing its followers to take up arms and what that might mean in the immediate future.
