Law Enforcement

NCJA Webinar - Improving Community Policing with Intelligence Led Public Safety

With ever-changing technology in public safety, how does your agency manage its data and the data coming in from the community? Join Motorola Solutions Practitioners to discover how your agencies data combined with community engagement can improve the safety of your city by using Intelligence Public Safety Solutions. 


On October 17, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) launched the Police-Mental Health Collaboration (PMHC) Toolkit, an online resource that will help law enforcement agencies work with mental health providers to respond to people with mental illnesses effectively and appropriately. The toolkit builds on the real-life experiences of law enforcement officers to offer best practices, data, sample procedures, checklists, and other tools to help agencies plan, implement, train, manage, and measure PMHC programs.

Register to join the Violence Reduction Network (VRN) webinar, “Insight Policing” on Thursday, October 27 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET. This webinar will provide law enforcement officials with an overview of the Insight Policing training program available from George Mason University (GMU).

Violence Reduction Network (VRN) Webinar – Insight Policing

Insight policing is a community-based, problem-solving policing strategy that integrates conflict resolution and communication skills with policing skills to help reduce retaliatory violence and enhance police legitimacy in the moment of enforcement. Insight policing empowers officers to effectively de-escalate conflict behavior to ultimately facilitate feasible alternatives to use of force and build civilian trust. It was developed as a practical response to the challenges police face stemming from retaliatory violence and community noncooperation.

Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc.

Each year, between 140 and 160 officers are killed in the line of duty, and their families and coworkers are left to cope with the tragic loss. Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (C.O.P.S.) provides resources to help them rebuild their shattered lives. There is no membership fee to join C.O.P.S., for the price paid is already too high.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • National Outreach Programs to Provide Peer Support, Counseling, Services, and Resources to Survivors of Fallen Law Enforcement Officers

OJP Webinar - A Community-Based Approach to Juvenile Justice

Join the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) for what they expect to be a meaningful and engaging discussion with leading experts on the issue of community-based models for juvenile justice on Friday, October 21 at 10:00 a.m. ET.

The event will feature remarks by Assistant Attorney General Karol V. Mason, National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Director Nancy Rodriguez, and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Administrator Robert L. Listenbee.

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

Founded in 1984, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) is dedicated to telling the story of U.S. law enforcement and making it safer for those who serve. A nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., NLEOMF built and continues to maintain the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial – the nation’s monument to law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. NLEOMF is a principal organizer of the National Police Week observance each May and hosts a Candlelight Vigil each May 13 to honor all fallen officers.
