Crime Prevention

Webinar - The Changing Nature of Crime and Criminal Investigations

Crime is evolving rapidly, creating new challenges for law enforcement agencies. By using computers, communications platforms, and other technologies, criminals commit crimes that were unheard of a decade or two ago, while also finding different ways to commit traditional crimes. For law enforcement agencies to keep up in this new environment, they must change their approach to criminal investigations. Physical evidence and witness statements are no longer sufficient in many cases.

Join the Justice Clearinghouse for the webinar “Intelligence-Driven Strategies: Creating an Integrated Approach for Justice Agencies” on Thursday, November 15 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET. During the webinar, participants will learn about intelligence-driven strategies that help enhance security and reduce crime.

The webinar session will address the following key questions:

FY 2018 Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Funding Opportunities for State, Local, and Tribal Agencies and TTA Providers

This webinar will introduce the fiscal year 2018 funding opportunities offered through two solicitations, including a new grant program that provides direct assistance for state, local, and tribal justice agencies and jurisdictions to develop, implement, and test data-driven and evidence-based responses to high-cost drivers of crime and other compelling public safety challenges. The presenters will also discuss the related funding opportunity available to training and technical assistance providers.

Intelligence-Driven Strategies: Creating an Integrated Approach for Justice Agencies

In this webinar, justice practitioners will gain a better understanding of how security is enhanced and how crime is reduced through intelligence-driven strategies. Whether a narcotics detective, gang intelligence officer, jail administrator, or patrol deputy, attendees will learn some of the modern-day practical applications that harness the power from knowledge produced by the convergence of the latest intelligence methodologies and technologies.

This session will answer the following key questions:

Learning from Error in Criminal Justice: A Sentinel Events Approach

In criminal justice, a “sentinel event” is a bad outcome that might include a death in custody, routine police encounter that escalates to violence, mishandling of evidence, wrongful conviction, or “near miss,” in which a negative event is narrowly avoided. Too often, the criminal justice system fails to learn from these bad outcomes. Drawing inspiration from aviation, medicine, and other high-risk fields, the Sentinel Events Initiative (SEI) takes an alternative approach.

Advancing Research Initiatives and Combatting the Human Trafficking Epidemic

Trafficking in persons is a multifaceted global epidemic, which has seen a significant increase in public awareness. However, there is a substantial need to expand capacities and technologies involving representatives from all stakeholders.
