
National Sheriffs' Association Annual Conference

The NSA Annual Conference is one of the largest of its kind and displays products and equipment relevant to every facet of police work, jails, prisoner transport, and courtroom security. Exhibitors, therefore, contribute in large measure to the overall success of the conference. There are also numerous seminars and workshops covering all aspects of the duties and responsibilities for sheriffs’ offices, including, but not limited to, law enforcement, jail operations, service of process, transportation of prisoners, and court & judicial security.

Last month, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) published a legal guide describing the significance of substance withdrawal supervision in jails and the laws protecting people in jails. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 63 percent of incarcerated adults have substance use disorders, compared to 5 percent of adults who are not incarcerated.

In 2020, to address increasing health and safety concerns within prison populations through the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous prison and parole authorities were directed by their states to reduce population sizes and perform intensive policy restructuring.

NLERSP Webinar - Vehicle Pursuits: Considerations for Improving Officer and Public Safety

Vehicle pursuits pose significant risk of harm to not only the officers and subjects involved, but to every other person traveling on or near the roadways. While some pursuits may be unavoidable, law enforcement must recognize these risks and take action to reduce the possibility of harm. This webinar will explore data on police vehicle pursuits and discuss how policies, technology, and changes in organizational leadership and culture can increase safety for law enforcement officers and communities.

This month, the National Institute of Justice published a report based on a review and rating by CrimeSolutions of multiple meta-analyses. Substance use disorders, which include substance dependence and abuse, have a tremendous impact on individuals, families, and communities. For patients, trauma-informed care offers the opportunity to engage more fully in their health care, develop a trusting relationship with their provider, and improve long-term health outcomes.

This month, the National Institute of Justice issued an evaluation of a limited study on ten state-based task forces using the Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) to Combat Human Trafficking launched in 2010. Due to its complex nature, human trafficking crimes are difficult to detect thereby creating significant barriers for disruption. Many jurisdictions also struggle to identify crimes for both sex and labor trafficking because of varied understandings or limited knowledge of the root causes.

Last month, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) released a 2020 yearend report detailing data findings from the BJS Annual Probation Survey, Annual Parole Survey, and Federal Justice Statistics Program. During 2020, the number of people on probation decreased from 3,330,200 to 3,053,700 (down 8.3%), the largest annual decline since the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) began the probation collection in 1980. Whereas the number of adults on parole increased 1.3% during 2020, from 851,000 on January 1, 2020 to 862,100 at yearend.
