
BJA hosted a Criminal Justice Workforce of the Future Convening on April 16–17, 2024, at Wichita State University’s Innovation Campus. Approximately 60 leading practitioners, academics, and other stakeholders from across the criminal justice system were invited to discuss the current state of the criminal justice workforce, cultural implications on recruiting and retention, talent acquisition, and the public’s changing expectations.

In the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, Congress authorized Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to cover certain services provided to Medicaid-eligible youth and young adults in correctional facilities. Specifically, starting January 1, 2025, Medicaid and CHIP will cover screening and diagnostic services and targeted case management services for eligible, post-adjudicated youth and young adults.

TIPS Cohort Calls

During this reporting period, there were three cohort calls for the Targeted Implementation and Planning Support (TIPS) juvenile project sites. Two were hosted by The Center for Children's Law and Policy (CCLP), one in January and one in February. The third was hosted by the PRC itself in June 2024. These calls provide an opportunity for site representatives to learn from one another and request assistance on challenges they may be facing. As particular issues arise, the facilitators provide information and resources to respond to issues of interest to participants.

Problem-Solving with Peers Discussion Series: Implementing PREA in Locally Operated Adult and Juvenile Confinement Facilities

These discussions are intended to provide opportunities for peer
engagement, idea generation, and discussions of innovative solutions
and practices related to achieving and maintaining compliance with the
PREA Standards.
Further, these sessions provide an important opportunity for the PRC
and the PREA Management Office (PMO), within Bureau of Justice
Assistance at the U.S. Department of Justice to more deeply understand
the unique PREA implementation challenges and strengths of smaller,

Webinar: Successful Tribal Reentry & Reintegration Series: Overcoming Stigma In Reentry and Mental Health Disorders

Examine racial bias and stigma related to substance use and mental health, including misconceptions that hinder treatment and support services. Explore potential solutions to advocate for reform to address systemic biases in the criminal justice system. Discuss the link between historical trauma and substance use and mental health disorders. Review the benefits of trauma informed care and culturally specific services.
