The American Indian Justice Conference (AIJC) will provide training to tribal communities to enhance their response to alcohol and drug abuse, enable them to recognize how trauma impacts drug and alcohol abuse in tribal communities, and to identify current trends and best practices for tribal justice systems to strengthen multidisciplinary approaches to healing and justice. The five multidisciplinary tracks offered at the conference are Alcohol and Substance Abuse; Courts and Traditional Justice; Probation, Reentry, and Policing; Strategic Planning; and Addressing Violent Crime in Native Communities.
Registration is free.
Participants are responsible for the costs of their own travel, lodging, and per diem expenses. Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) Purpose Area 2, 3, 4, and 10 grantees may use grant funds to attend the AIJC. Please confirm with your Program Manager that you have adequate travel and training funds remaining in your award.