Tribal Justice

"Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts: Key Components and Standards"

The Tribal Key Components of Healing to Wellness Courts form the foundation of all tribal drug courts. The Adult Drug Court Standards represent the latest research-based best practices for what works within the drug court setting. Applicants for Wellness Court federal funding are now being asked to abide by both documents. This webinar reviews both the key components and the standards, and discusses how they interrelate.

National American Indian Court Judges Association

Tribal-State Collaboration Project

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) provides resources as well as training and technical assistance designed to enhance tribal-state judicial collaborations and tribal justice systems. This project includes the website, which serves as a resource center for project materials and contains relevant law and policy resources concerning tribal-state collaborations. TLPI also provides technical assistance to develop, promote, and strengthen tribal-state collaborations.

Tribal Law and Policy Institute
Justice Topic: 

Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts Project

With support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Tribal Law and Policy Institute provides a Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Training and Technical Assistance project, which includes onsite and offsite technical assistance, regional and national trainings, a publication series, and a webinar series.

Tribal Law and Policy Institute
Justice Topic: 

Building Tribal Capacity

Reentry into tribal communities presents unique challenges because of the ways in which federal, state, local, and tribal criminal justice systems intersect in Indian Country. Federally recognized Indian Tribes have long had the authority to maintain their own criminal justice mechanisms to ensure public safety and resolve conflicts between community members. This authority extends to law enforcement and community supervision, but also impacts other fields important to reentry success.

Council of State Governments

"Building a Collaborative Court with Other Jurisdictions to Treat Nonviolent Tribal Adult Offenders"

Chief Judge Abby Abinanti, Anthony Trombetti, and Jolanda Ingram-Obie of the Yurok Tribal Court presented an overview of the collaborative court that administers the Yurok Wellness Program. They explained that the wellness program began in 2009 with support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Yurok Wellness Program provides outpatient and residential treatment to tribal members who have substance abuse problems. The program incorporates cultural awareness by encouraging and supporting tribal members, who are recovering or recovered, to attend community and cultural events.

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance Program

The Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance (TCCLA) Program, supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, offers training and technical assistance to TCCLA grantees and sub-grantee legal aid organizations. TCCLA also provides training and technical assistance to Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation Program Area 3 grantees and to any tribal program interested in practices featured on the Tribal Access to Justice Innovation website (

National American Indian Court Judges Association
Justice Topic: