"Building a Collaborative Court with Other Jurisdictions to Treat Nonviolent Tribal Adult Offenders"

Chief Judge Abby Abinanti, Anthony Trombetti, and Jolanda Ingram-Obie of the Yurok Tribal Court presented an overview of the collaborative court that administers the Yurok Wellness Program. They explained that the wellness program began in 2009 with support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Yurok Wellness Program provides outpatient and residential treatment to tribal members who have substance abuse problems. The program incorporates cultural awareness by encouraging and supporting tribal members, who are recovering or recovered, to attend community and cultural events. For example, the tribal court will sponsor a sober gathering or camping at a Yurok ceremonial dance. The Yurok Tribe is a world renewal culture and has Brush Dances, White Deer Skin Dances, and Jump Dances.

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Resource Type: 
Training Delivery - Webinar
Justice Topic: 
Substance Abuse
Tribal Justice