Adjudication / Courts

Reimagining the Norm: Judges on Judging

In May 2024, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) with its National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) convened more than 50 judges from 22 states for several days of facilitated dialogue about the implementation of therapeutic jurisprudence in courtrooms across the United States. This report provides concrete themes and considerations for the next steps in supporting judges and their efforts in utilizing therapeutic jurisprudence. Read the report

Justice Topic: 

BJA Criminal Justice Workforce of the Future: A Summary of Research Findings and Conversations at the BJA Criminal Justice Workforce of the Future Convening in April 2024

BJA hosted a Criminal Justice Workforce of the Future Convening on April 16–17, 2024, at Wichita State University’s Innovation Campus. Approximately 60 leading practitioners, academics, and other stakeholders from across the criminal justice system were invited to discuss the current state of the criminal justice workforce, cultural implications on recruiting and retention, talent acquisition, and the public’s changing expectations.

Capital Case Litigation: Jury Selection

Sheila Ross of the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia shares her years of insight and experience with the capital case jury selection process, providing attendees with a practical toolkit to immediately apply to their next trial. This presentation is suitable for all levels of experience. This webinar is part of the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys’ Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series.

Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, Inc.

Victim Counsel Coordination Part II: Preserving Victims’ Rights

Randy Udelman of the Arizona Crime Victim Rights Law Group presents on victim counsel coordination, illustrating how to effectively meet victim needs in capital case prosecution.

Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, Inc.

Capital Litigation Improvement Project Series: Mass Shootings and Victim Considerations Webinar

In this presentation, District Attorney George Brauchler, widely known as the prosecutor of James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado gunman, discusses issues district attorneys face while prosecuting mass shootings cases. He provides anecdotal insights and lessons learned along the way.

View the slides

Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, Inc.

Capital Case Litigation Improvement Project: Mitigating Mental Health Defenses

In this webinar, First Assistant Ed McCann of the Montgomery County, Pennsylvania District Attorney’s Office explores various mental health defenses in capital cases and how prosecutors can effectively counter them. A career prosecutor who has been on the front lines of many high-profile cases, McCann provides anecdotal insights and practical tools to take straight into trial. This presentation is intended for prosecutors, prosecution teams, victim advocates, and law enforcement personnel.

Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, Inc.

Capital Case Litigation Improvement Project: The Surviving Victims: Guiding the Families of Homicide Victims Through the Criminal Justice Process

This webinar focuses on how to be the best advocate possible for victims of capital crimes and their families, with emphasis on building effective, empathetic relationships with these families and guiding them through the judicial process. This presentation includes resources for prosecutors dealing with such capital litigation cases.

Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, Inc.

"Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts: Key Components and Standards"

The Tribal Key Components of Healing to Wellness Courts form the foundation of all tribal drug courts. The Adult Drug Court Standards represent the latest research-based best practices for what works within the drug court setting. Applicants for Wellness Court federal funding are now being asked to abide by both documents. This webinar reviews both the key components and the standards, and discusses how they interrelate.

National American Indian Court Judges Association

Innovative Prosecution Strategies

The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (APA) works closely with the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and BJA's Innovative Prosecution Strategies (IPS) sites as the training and technical assistance partner supporting prosecutors' offices. APA, working directly with BJA, provides services to each site, including the following: hosting meetings, facilitating peer-to-peer exchanges of information, providing relevant subject matter expertise, delivering training programs, and producing reports.

Association of Prosecuting Attorneys, Inc.
Justice Topic: 

Evidence Challenges for Administrative Law Judges: Web-Based

The evidence issues that an administrative law judge confronts can be complex and challenging. This web-based course offers a convenient way to explore methods for making evidentiary rulings quickly and confidently without having to leave your docket.

National Judicial College
Justice Topic: 
