Law Enforcement

Taking Care of Our Own

This course includes stories from family members who have lost a loved one, as well as a fire chief who has been in the unfortunate position of telling a survivor that their firefighter has been killed in the line of duty. Survivors will share what went well, what did not go well, and what a department can do to be prepared.

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
Justice Topic: 

National Outreach Programs to Provide Peer Support, Counseling, Services, and Resources to Survivors of Fallen Law Enforcement Officers

Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) programs for survivors include the National Police Survivors' Conference held each May during National Police Week; scholarships; peer support at the national, state, and local levels; the "C.O.P.S. Kids" counseling reimbursement program; the "C.O.P.S. Kids" Summer Camp; the "C.O.P.S. Teens" Outward Bound experience for young adults; special retreats for spouses, parents, siblings, adult children, extended family, and coworkers; trial and parole support; and other assistance programs. 

Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc.
Justice Topic: 

Body-Worn Camera Training and Technical Assistance

The Bureau of Justice Assistance launched the Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Policy Implementation Program (PIP) in fiscal year 2015 to assist law enforcement agencies with the enhancement or implementation of BWC initiatives.

The CNA Corporation
Justice Topic: 

PERF Improving Homicide Investigations Technical Assistance

The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) offers national-level technical assistance (TA) programs, as well as customized TA services, to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies across the nation. PERF's TA services vary in length and scope, and frequently involve on- and offsite work. PERF, through support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, helps agencies identify and implement model policies and practices based on their knowledge of current research and the latest innovations in the field of homicide investigations.

Police Executive Research Forum
Justice Topic: 

Enhancing Law Enforcement Human Trafficking Task Force Operations

With support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and in partnership with AEquitas and John Jay College of the City University of New York, the International Association of Chiefs of Police is working to increase the capabilities of BJA-funded Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Human Trafficking (HT) Task Forces and other communities combatting human trafficking by providing coordinated training and technical assistance (TTA). 

International Association of Chiefs of Police
Justice Topic: 

Smaller Law Enforcement Agency Program

Since 1997, the Smaller Law Enforcement Agency Program, with support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, has been providing resources for the largest portion of the International Association of Chiefs of Police's membership, departments serving fewer than 50,000 residents. The program offers trainings, webinars, and other tools and resources to support these smaller law enforcement agencies.

International Association of Chiefs of Police
Justice Topic: 

National Officer Safety Initiatives: The National Consortium on Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide

Through the newly created National Consortium on Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide (the Consortium), a program of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's National Officer Safety Initiatives, the International Association of Chiefs of Police will lead a national conversation around the issues of officer mental health and suicide.

International Association of Chiefs of Police

The State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training Program

The Bureau of Justice Assistance State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training's primary objective is the delivery of specialized terrorism/criminal extremism orientation, interdiction, investigation, and prevention training to state, local, and tribal law enforcement executives, command personnel, intelligence officers, investigators, analytical personnel, training directors, and prosecutors. Each course is specifically designed to meet the needs of the target audience - from the street-level officer to the executive who needs the information for policymaking purposes.

Institute for Intergovernmental Research
Justice Topic: 

Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative

The Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative website is a comprehensive information-sharing resource for justice practitioners at all levels of government, providing timely and useful information on justice integration and relevant technological developments.

Contributing Organization: 
Bureau of Justice Assistance

Local Assistance State Team Training

Through a collaborative effort with the U.S. Department of Justice, this course provides the necessary training to help establish state and regional Local Assistance State Teams (LAST) to assist in the event of a line-of-duty death. The primary objective of a LAST is to provide assistance and comfort to the family and department after a line-of-duty death and to help with filing for federal, state, and local benefits.

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
Justice Topic: 
