Training Delivery - Webinar

Webinar - A Walk Through the Multidisciplinary Team Guide and Toolkit

Do you want to create an elder abuse case review multidisciplinary team (MDT), but you don’t know where to start? Start here!

The Elder Justice Initiative (EJI) is pleased to announce the launch of the new Multidisciplinary Team Guide and Toolkit. The toolkit is designed for anyone looking to create or grow a local elder abuse MDT, regardless of their experience with MDTs. The web-based toolkit is enhanced for use on mobile devices and contains easy-to-download PDF sample documents and citations. 

Webinar - Racial and Ethnic Disparities: Communities in Action

States and communities both play an important role in addressing racial and ethnic disparities. However, many jurisdictions struggle with the question, “We have the data – now what?” During this Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ) webinar, attendees will learn more about the Center for Children’s Law and Policy (CCLP) and their work with states and localities to implement data-driven reforms that achieve measurable reductions in racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system.

Webinar - Mass Casualty Response Resilience/Post Action Strategic Debriefing

Working in law enforcement, while incredibly rewarding, can at times also be equally stressful.

And then, there’s events like the Pulse Nightclub Shooing in Orlando, Florida.

Or Sandy Hook Elementary, in Newtown, Connecticut.

Our immediate thoughts, of course, are with the victims and their families, and how this horrifying event will forever change their lives.

But what’s not often talked about, is how such events also impact – and continue to impact – the lives of the first responders who help the victims of these tragedies.

Webinar - U.S. Paroling Authorities as Key Partners in Promoting the Governor’s Criminal Justice Policy Agenda

Of the many responsibilities U.S. governors have related to a state’s criminal justice system, one of the more important is appointing members and chairs of paroling authorities. Though paroling authorities vary in size and responsibilities, collectively they are responsible for deciding whether and when to release approximately 125,000 inmates on an annual basis.

Integrating Best Practices from Corrections and Workforce Systems to Match Jobseekers to Services: the IRES Pilot Project

Of the more than 2.3 million people incarcerated in correctional facilities across the United States, more than 90 percent will eventually return to their communities. Employment is a key aspect of successful reentry, but simply placing people in jobs is not the ultimate solution for preventing reoffending. An integrated approach is needed to ensure that criminal justice and workforce development systems utilize their available resources in ways that reduce recidivism and improve the employability of their shared population.

Webinar - New Findings in SPI

On May 10, 2017 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Smart Policing Initiative (SPI) will present a webinar on “New Findings in SPI.” Since SPI began in 2009, more than 50 SPI projects have been funded to test and evaluate evidence-based policing tactics and strategies. This webinar will feature four SPI sites—Boston, Massachusetts; Cambridge, Massachusetts; Los Angeles, California; and Rochester, New York—that recently completed their evaluation research.

OJJDP Webinar - ReEntry Mentoring: Conversations from the Field on Working with System-Involved Youth

Thousands of youth are arrested each year, beginning a gateway for many into the juvenile justice system. Throughout the country, mentoring programs are providing system-involved youth with the opportunity to be connected to a mentor in their own community to stop the cycle. Join this webinar as representatives from the following organizations share how they engage system-involved youth through mentoring and how they are expanding: 

OJJDP Webinar - Enhancing Police Responses to Children Exposed to Violence: A Toolkit for Law Enforcement

This webinar will discuss a new toolkit of resources to enable law enforcement officers to identify and respond to children exposed to violence and potentially traumatic events. The new toolkit, "Enhancing Police Responses to Children Exposed to Violence: A Toolkit for Law Enforcement," launches on April 4, 2017 and will be available in electronic and hardcopy. 
