Webinar - Enhancing Crime Analytics: An Overview of the Nationwide Crime Analysis Capability Building Project

Tuesday May 02, 2017 - 01:00pm to 02:00pm EDT
Event Description: 

This Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) National Training and Technical Assistance Center (NTTAC) and Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) webinar will highlight the exciting work of the BJA-funded Nationwide Crime Analysis Capability Building Project. The project identifies, assesses, and leverages best practices and lessons learned from existing Crime Analysis Centers (CAC) and develops standards and implementation strategies that can be replicated nationally to improve efficiency and effectiveness. By using technological and analytical capabilities to provide real-time information to law enforcement officers, CACs have enhanced law enforcement’s ability to prevent and solve crimes, quickly identify and apprehend suspects, and ensure officer safety. 

Join us to hear more about the three project sites participating in this effort, including how technology available today has dramatically changed how analysis is conducted by CACs, how real-time crime centers are being developed to provide quick analysis and distribution of data, and about new efforts to prevent crimes from occurring through the use of data analysis.

This BJA NTTAC-hosted webinar is open to all criminal justice professionals. Please contact BJA NTTAC at BJANTTAC@ojp.usdoj.gov or 1-833-872-5174 if you have questions.


Organizer Information
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